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Berkshire meet - Tuesday 2 February @ The Golden Retriever, Bracknell RG40 3DR
Hmm.. Just a bit too far for me as night drives aren't so much fun. It's about 120 miles each way.
Still happening? :popcornsoda:
Phil Mcavity:
What time are we thinking of this ??
Yep still happening! I don't mind about time, as I only live a few minutes away it doesn't really make a difference. Hedge and Steve - you two live further away, so when would be a good time for you? Not sure when Dom can make it, but again he only lives a couple of minutes away too.
Phil Mcavity:
I would have a tiny Passenger on board aswell, as Wifee's at work. Towards middle of the day, as have school run aswell to get back for if i did travel up.
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