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Author Topic: Drivers Seat Aribag Light  (Read 968 times)

Offline c4pete

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Drivers Seat Aribag Light
« on: December 23, 2016, 09:25:20 am »
I have a problem where pretty much every time I slide the drivers seat to let someone in the back (3 door 2006 GTI) my airbag warning light comes on.  One of my friends has VCDS and each time he resets the light it will be fine until next time the seat is moved.  I'm assuming this means a loose connection between the car and the seat, and I can see where all the cables/connectors are, but can someone tell me what colour the airbag connectors are please?

Cheers, and Happy Christmas!

Offline c4pete

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Re: Drivers Seat Aribag Light
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2016, 03:56:13 pm »
I can see these cables plugged into the chassis near the drivers door:

They seem to route up under the drivers seat, must be one of these connectors, if nobody knows which one I'll pull them all and check/clean them, all the cables look fine, no damage etc.  There are connectors under the seat as well, so I'll check them too!
« Last Edit: December 23, 2016, 03:58:46 pm by c4pete »