Blimey, that will be a task! Unless there's a lesser spec Golf that uses the same hub/bearing assembly with the 5x100 stud pattern, you're kind of limited to adapters/spacers, or redrilling!
Keep us posted as it's an interesting idea 
I presume BBS have stopped making RCs now?
I haven't tried BBS but i'd assume they'd be a small fortune if they still do them. 
I borrowed a set of adapters from a friend but as suspected, the offset was WAY off. The wheels stuck out about 25mm past the arches.
However, that's when the idea came to me about drilling the hubs as I can bolt the adapters to the original hubs and use the other 5x100 holes to align the new holes perfectly, drill/tap and weld up the old holes for strength(if needed). The hubs are fully removable on the MK5 complete with bearing, the Mk4 are not.
Just thought id throw out the question before i commit to engineering solutions! 
Yeah RCs have gone for good, brand new at least. Shame as they were very nice wheels, and bloody light too!
Your idea sounds spot on tbh! If there's enough meat between the drillings in the hub, I wouldn't worry too much about plug welding them. 312mm discs from VAG come multi-drilled as standard these days, so it's probably strong enough.
As you say, it can be done on the bench with MK5 hubs! If you fancy using new bearings (I would personally....whilst you're in there and all that), get them quick as they're going up in price next week!
Cheers man, yeah, I think it will be the way to go alright.
Thanks for the tip on the bearing prices but I work for an aftermarket parts wholesaler so I'm sorted on that front. We stock Febi, FAG etc, spoiled for choice!
I always like the RC's, I had a spare set for my old Anniversary which I'd had refurbished to sell with the car. The buyer opted not to take them so they're sitting at home............egging me on! :)
What can I say, I'm weak!