Get on with it already 
Got started over the weekend, unfortunately with only a driveway I only managed to get the front bearings fitted before the weather got in the way. Still progress is progress!
However, ran into more small issues, even though the discs are double drilled and have 10 holes, the holes are all the same PCD
So........discs added to the parts list before the wheels can go on! Not content with throwing me that problem, the car decided that with the calipers removed the next problem could rear its ugly head, 1 pad on both sides had the friction material separated from the steel backing and the pistons on both sides were almost seized! Lots of WD40 and pushing the piston back and forth with someone working the pedal sorted the calipers out and a new set of pads finished the job.

With the bearing fitment stopped due to the weather, I got on with the other mod I'd been hoping to get done and fitted a highline dash.

This is the first time i've taken on anything like this so was dubious about taking it on but swallowed a couple of brave pills and got on with it.......worked out well but sorting the errors out afterwards was tricky. The guide on here was fantastic but to someone new to the world of VCDS and VAG-Commander I couldn't really get my head around what I needed to do at first. The guide links you to the ROSSTECH site with a ton of info but doesn't tell you that you only need to follow the BASIC settings rather than work out what the codes should add up to. (Unless I missed something which is entirely possible!!)

Anyway, couple of pics:
Old bearing out and new one ready to go in;

One of the offending pads.

And my new Highline clocks!

So, hopefully, I can organise 4 new discs through work of the correct sizes but with MK4 PCD and get to fitting them with the rear bearings next weekend and then finally the RC's! Won't be long now!!