Haha he would say that 
How do these tasty looking tubular manifolds affect spool up on the ickle TFSI? Past experience on other engines showed big gains up top, but made things worse down below captain.
You bolt a big ol' GT30 sized turbo on to a 2.0l TFSI and there will be no 'down below' to talk about regardless of manifold design 
It'll be flat as a pancake sub 4 (ish)k rpm and then be a whole heap of fun right up to the limiter
Lol, yeah I've seen some of the power/torque curves on the FB group from our European friends running BTs, and yep, not a lot happens until 4500rpm! Which is fine for a 1/4 drag car, but not ideal for a road car.
Nah, I was just wondering how the lag is affected by tubular vs cast with the BTs, but probably a bit academical like you say!