Blacked out headlights as well by the look of it, instead of the chrome shat we get!
As in black xenons it seems? (Halogens are 'black' on UK GTIs as I'm sure you're aware.)
But xenons... yeah. We only get chrome in the UK. Aftermarket Depo projectors are black. And probably look rather nice.
I bet some OEM black German xenons would command quite a price!
[Thinks back to black 'Joey modded' xenons on the mk4... The holy grail back then
I was looking at the second pic down, which kinda looks like a Xenon? Can't say I've looked at normal Halogen lights in any detail

I remember that MK4 mod!. Those lights were a lot more involved to modify, and bloody expensive new! When I read that you needed cut out (or break and replace) the glass cover, I thought, yeah, sod that!