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Author Topic: Coding for new MK60EC1 ABS. On mk5 2.0tdi  (Read 934 times)

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Coding for new MK60EC1 ABS. On mk5 2.0tdi
« on: February 03, 2017, 07:59:00 am »

I was planning to change my abs pump to a newer version that supports PLA and so that I'm able to fit a 3D cluster without getting all sorts of brake errors.

When the pump is replaced and all. Do I need to code it right away to be able to drive or?.. reason I'm asking is that I'm going to change the pump at my place and then need to drive to a person who can code it?

I got VCDD myself but not sure how to code it and if you only need to VCDD to code it? And not going online to VW.
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