^^^^ still not got around to fitting it. It's a PITA to remove the vents from the surround so I need another vent section which will then mean I don't have to separate the one I have. To many mods on the go at the same time and so little time

As to wrapping anything, its best to just the vinyl in place and nice and tort over whatever your wrapping. Try not to apply to much heat and stretch to much. Pull it tort, heat and press the vinyl into the gaps, let the vinyl cool, cut (not right up to the edge or near the corners), leaving a load of overlap for now, pull tort around the shape while applying heat and hold in place, let cool and trim a little at a time. If not too much heat is applied you should not get any "shrink back". When your happy, trim the rest nice and close to the edges and et voila Robert's your day's brother!!

Vinyl can be reheated (which will allow it to shrink back to its original shape), reapplied and is pretty strong stuff so no need to be delicate. I have done loads of stuff and am still fluffing it up but reapply and carry on.
As I said, its 90% prep.
Hope this helps.