I think it's the noise that puts most people off. If we delve into the murky depths of this forum, we also see a lot of comments from people that these 'filter on a pipe' type intakes blunt the off boost responsiveness too.
On the facebook group people are always selling on these kind of intakes. Must be a reason for it 
Do BMC make a CDA kit for these cars? They used to be great intakes back in the day.
Surely the noise will be exactly the same as any of the filter on a stick options though?
I've not read anything about off-boost responsiveness, how long are you off boost for with a k03 if you put your foot down anyway? 1/4 a second?
There's no BMC kit that I know off, I imagine it would be not too difficult to make something up like this from one of their standard CDA's though.