I'm definitely with AJP & Oldy!

Always astounds me how much attention an MPG thread gets on a performance car forum! Even more so given the minimal milages that most cars in here seem to cover (imho 10k pa is LOW mileage! You're not even average until 12-15k pa!). Plenty of people out there doing 20k + pa.
Drive it, enjoy it! Honestly, Fuel really is not that expensive compared to the other motoring costs that we face.
However, it won't be many years before these sorts of cars are banned by the enviromentalists, and we're condemend to driving a feckin Nissan Leaf powered off a windmill! If you're allowed to drive yourself at all!
Relative cost of fuel (like interest rates) is disproportionately low atm.
These cars offer fantastically good fuel consumption for their level of performance. I can get >30 mpg out of my stg 2 n a bit Eddy at 70 on the Mway.
Rant over.......for now
The above, Unles you are lucky enough to have one of those original, mint, super low mileage Eddy's - in that case store it, buy another cheap one and thrash that!