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Author Topic: Newbie  (Read 963 times)


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« on: February 15, 2017, 10:59:01 pm »
Hey all, new to the forum. Just bought an 07' mkV. Loving it so far.

Quick question though as I'm struggling to find any detail on it. The car is rough when cold, lumpy, slight misfire/hesitation when cold. Completely disappears once it's warmed up though. I've changed the packs and plugs which helped loads but it still misbehaves cold. Worst when the engine is under load, really noticeable then. Has anybody ever had this? I cant find anybody who's experienced it. I've had a couple of random "check coolant level" faults on startup but this clears if I turn the car off then on again. I'm going to swap out both coolant sensors on the weekend for some fresh ones but I wouldn't have thought this would cause any problems like this? No fault codes either? Any ideas?