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Author Topic: Sudden harsh drop off of revs @3700rpm - HELP!!  (Read 612 times)

Offline jaycue2u

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Sudden harsh drop off of revs @3700rpm - HELP!!
« on: March 09, 2017, 02:49:12 pm »
Couple of weeks back my standard mk5 GTI decided to aggressively limit the revs at about 3700, almost feels like a rev limiter kicks in and the revs drop very quickly! Drives fine up to 3700rpm with no other symptoms. It seemed to have resolved itself for a couple of days and has now started to do it again, any ideas??

Checked the fault codes and these were stored:


We cleared these, took it for a run and the problem was still there, but when we checked for fault codes again there were none?

Any help would be massively appreciated  :happy2: