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clutch slip?

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x3. so luca, is it still hapenning?

Im not getting it at all now, if it does start slipping i would just put an oem one on the car as i will probably be swapping the car within this year. Usually keep my cars for aound 18 months then change them. Should be some nice cars coming out this year :smiley:. I want something with a bit more shout from the exhaut and a quick out of the box car :evilgrin:
No idea what i want yet but will probably be changng early winter time.
For now the car is fine and the only thing going on it is some new front boots next week and its in for its first service on monday.

The problem is if the clutch is slipping now and you dont put a new flywheel in it at the same time as replacing the clutch then your new clutch will make very little difference at all.. Especially if you put a standard clutch back in..

Most of the costs for the job are related to labour, so if you end up having to do it again (IMO highly likely) within the year, then its going to cost you way more than it would have if you have done it first time.. Plus the Sachs clutch kit is pretty much the same cost of an OEM unit..

I would say either try and get one on warranty or go the whole hog and you wont have to worry about it again..

thanks for the info jonny. the clutch isnt slipping at all now. will take it to ads when i get chance in the new year and get dave to give the car a full healthcheck and get some vag com done to see the car is running nice for santa pod.

With the cold weather be sure that you really give the car time to warm up, clutch and gearbox included..

Can take up to 20mins of driving for everything to come up to full temperature.. Sure you do anyways but worth baring in mind..

A cold clutch will slip pretty easily, and the engine will be making more boost than ever in these conditions, that combined with doing a pull into the spool of the turbo in 6th will give the clutch a really hard time..  :happy2:


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