Morning folks,
Its just dawned on me that the ED30 will be 10 this year

Its currently on 71k and will probably get to around 75k when it goes in for its service later this year. Im wondering what perishable parts I should get replaced? The Cambelt/ water pump isn't due for a couple of years, the DSG service was done early at 65k and the inlet valves were cleaned last year at AKS.
Im looking at perhaps getting the various bushes and stuff replaced as i suspect they will be pretty worn by now - I've had the car for 8 years and 40k miles and not had to replace any bushes.
Can anyone list what bushes and other perishable parts i should be looking at getting replaced?
Im going to keep the ED30 for a few more years yet and will be keeping it standard.
Any advice would be most appreciated
