The story goes like this:
The coding was one digit out on the steering wheel module: I've got an older version of vagcom so I didn't realise there was 2 settings depending on which version of LIN you have, v1.3 or v2.0. My coding was 0000134. [Mk5 MFSW]
and a bonus is my mute button works for the first time ever now!!!

After having the mfsw buttons for a year. Small point but always bugged me haha. The source button directly underneath it has never worked though, I think it was only designed to work with the mfd2 and rcd300, if anyone knows otherwise, please let me know!
Found a reasonably deserted mini[ish] roundabout with just the right radius to enable me to complete the esp initialisation, the 90 to 180 degree thing is reasonably easy to do following the youtube how to vid. The hardest part is finding a deserted roundabout of just the right size.
Now the strange part, all dash lights gone, full autoscan done on vcds, no error codes, except one - the original power steering J500 fault code is stubbornly refusing to clear?

It is exactly the same code as in my previous posts.
Apart from that, it is fine.
Thanks again for your help folks