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Author Topic: Long coding for ch steering module.  (Read 26386 times)

Offline ducman77

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Re: Long coding for ch steering module.
« Reply #30 on: February 24, 2017, 12:06:09 pm »
Just weighing in here to say Fair Play to Jas for the awesome replies to try and help MPS!! :smiley: :happy2:

It's helpful replies like Jas's that make such a brilliant resource!!
Fair Play lads :smiley: :happy2:

And of course I hope you get sorted Jas.... I've had similar issues to youin the past an they're a PAIN!!


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Re: Long coding for ch steering module.
« Reply #31 on: February 25, 2017, 09:27:55 pm »
HELL YEAH BWOIS!!! ALL DASH LIGHTS GONE!!  :driver: :happy2: :laugh: :grin: :congrats: :jumpmove: :jumping: :drinking:

The story goes like this:

The coding was one digit out on the steering wheel module: I've got an older version of vagcom so I didn't realise there was 2 settings depending on which version of LIN you have, v1.3 or v2.0. My coding was 0000134. [Mk5 MFSW]

and a bonus is my mute button works for the first time ever now!!!  :grin: After having the mfsw buttons for a year. Small point but always bugged me haha. The source button directly underneath it has never worked though, I think it was only designed to work with the mfd2 and rcd300, if anyone knows otherwise, please let me know!

Found a reasonably deserted mini[ish] roundabout with just the right radius to enable me to complete the esp initialisation, the 90 to 180 degree thing is reasonably easy to do following the youtube how to vid. The hardest part is finding a deserted roundabout of just the right size.

Now the strange part, all dash lights gone, full autoscan done on vcds, no error codes, except one - the original power steering J500 fault code is stubbornly refusing to clear?  :confused: It is exactly the same code as in my previous posts.

Apart from that, it is fine.
Thanks again for your help folks

Matt  :drinking:
« Last Edit: February 25, 2017, 09:39:48 pm by MPS »

Offline jason_rmh

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Re: Long coding for ch steering module.
« Reply #32 on: February 25, 2017, 09:32:48 pm »
Beauty! Glad you got it sorted. :)
'Air punch'
« Last Edit: February 25, 2017, 09:34:52 pm by jason_rmh »

VCDS (Preston, Lancashire)


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Re: Long coding for ch steering module.
« Reply #33 on: February 25, 2017, 09:40:38 pm »
Strange how that J500 code wont go away though?


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Re: Long coding for ch steering module.
« Reply #34 on: February 25, 2017, 09:52:00 pm »
I'm going to try changing the following setting from +0000002 to +0000006.

My car was made around 2005.5 so around the changeover point.

Frontbrakes (Sensor Cluster OLD):
+0000005 = FS III 54 15" (PR-1ZF/1ZM/1ZC)
+0000006 = FN III 54 15"/16" (PR-1ZE/1LJ/1ZP/1ZD/1LL)
+0000009 = FRNG 57 17" (PR-1LK)
Frontbrakes (Sensor Cluster NEW):
+0000001 = FS III 54 15" (PR-1ZF/1ZM/1ZC)
+0000002 = FN III 54 15"/16" (PR-1ZE/1LJ/1ZP/1ZD/1LL)
+0000008 = FRNG 57 17" (PR-1LK)

Offline jason_rmh

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Re: Long coding for ch steering module.
« Reply #35 on: February 25, 2017, 10:05:58 pm »
I don't think that coding will be related to the J500, although worth I try.

So, I'm not sure the j500 is related to the SWCM, or you may have blown a fuse while installing the new module?

Goto module 19-CAN Gateway, Measuring Blocks > Group - 152
Field 2 should display the CAN-Bus status of the J500-Power Steering Control Module.
You should see a 1.
If you see a 0 then there is a communication issue between the CAN-Bus and the J500, which may indicate a broken wire.

Then, check fuses.
Engine bay, Fuse 3 (110-amp) (terminal 30)].
And there is a black wire from fuse 3 to J500, check that for breaks if you can.

Check driver's side fuse box, fuse 15 also, this gives ignition power to j500 I think.


VCDS (Preston, Lancashire)


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Re: Long coding for ch steering module.
« Reply #36 on: February 25, 2017, 10:30:31 pm »
Jas, the reason why I'm thinking it's merely a coding issue and not comms is the vcds fault is "Implausible Signal" rather than "No Communication" or "Faulty"

Although that doesn't quite fit right as with any of them rosstech says you'd expect the MIL light to be on, which it isn't.

I'll try the coding tweak tomorrow and let you know!

So what actual part is the J500? Is it integrated into the steering wheel module?
« Last Edit: February 25, 2017, 10:32:49 pm by MPS »

Offline jason_rmh

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Re: Long coding for ch steering module.
« Reply #37 on: February 25, 2017, 10:38:27 pm »
You're right, I would have expected a red or amber power steering light to be on.

It may be that some basic settings need doing somewhere?

J500 is the power steering control module.

Do you have any faults in module 16 (steering wheel) or 44 (steering assist)?

VCDS (Preston, Lancashire)


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Re: Long coding for ch steering module.
« Reply #38 on: February 25, 2017, 10:55:51 pm »
You're right, I would have expected a red or amber power steering light to be on.

It may be that some basic settings need doing somewhere?

J500 is the power steering control module.

So where is that physically on the car? Just curious.

Do you have any faults in module 16 (steering wheel) or 44 (steering assist)?

No, none!! Weird, eh?  :laugh:

Offline jason_rmh

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Re: Long coding for ch steering module.
« Reply #39 on: February 25, 2017, 11:36:51 pm »
So where is that physically on the car? Just curious.

I think the module is directly mounted on the power steering rack.
The steering rack is mounted on the subframe, close to the anti roll bar.

VCDS (Preston, Lancashire)

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Re: Long coding for ch steering module.
« Reply #40 on: February 26, 2017, 02:20:59 pm »
J500 is the error code I've got which I've been told needs a dealer calibration of the steering rack

Offline Kai96

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Re: Long coding for ch steering module.
« Reply #41 on: February 27, 2017, 07:52:27 pm »
I'm basically having the same problem installed a MK6 GTI MFSW I have the steering wheel tyre pressure and traction control lights on the dash. Weird thing is I have power steering when I'm idling in Park but as soon as I put it into D and start driving I lose my power steering. Taking the car to a specialist tomorrow to have my highlines coded in so hopefully he'll be able to sort the steering wheel to.

I will update tomorrow once I've picked the car up

Offline jason_rmh

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Re: Long coding for ch steering module.
« Reply #42 on: February 27, 2017, 08:03:12 pm »
I'm basically having the same problem installed a MK6 GTI MFSW I have the steering wheel tyre pressure and traction control lights on the dash. Weird thing is I have power steering when I'm idling in Park but as soon as I put it into D and start driving I lose my power steering. Taking the car to a specialist tomorrow to have my highlines coded in so hopefully he'll be able to sort the steering wheel to.

I will update tomorrow once I've picked the car up
Kai, do you have VCDS? Your issue is probably coding and basic settings for steering angle / steering limit etc

For dsg cars there is also the longitudinal acceleration sensor to be set.

Are you getting the J500 error?

VCDS (Preston, Lancashire)

Offline Kai96

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Re: Long coding for ch steering module.
« Reply #43 on: February 27, 2017, 08:16:02 pm »
I'm basically having the same problem installed a MK6 GTI MFSW I have the steering wheel tyre pressure and traction control lights on the dash. Weird thing is I have power steering when I'm idling in Park but as soon as I put it into D and start driving I lose my power steering. Taking the car to a specialist tomorrow to have my highlines coded in so hopefully he'll be able to sort the steering wheel to.

I will update tomorrow once I've picked the car up
Kai, do you have VCDS? Your issue is probably coding and basic settings for steering angle / steering limit etc

For dsg cars there is also the longitudinal acceleration sensor to be set.

Are you getting the J500 error?

Took it to my friend who has VCDS today and all the faults got cleared accept for the steering ones like assisted power steering  but I can't remember 100% what they were. I just know two of them weren't clearing. We were really close to fixing it as we followed all the advice in this thread and it was just something near the end we couldn't get right

Sorry i'm not that clued up on VCDS so where would I find the settings for the longitudinal acceleration that needs to be set ?

Offline jason_rmh

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Re: Long coding for ch steering module.
« Reply #44 on: March 01, 2017, 09:17:00 am »
Kai, start your own thread and we can help you in there, otherwise we will lose sight of MPS's issue.


VCDS (Preston, Lancashire)