I had a signal splitter and amplifier so have fitted it this afternoon, it’s has improved the signal, but fades in and out randomly. I am looking at 5 solid green bars and then two Amber bars seconds later. I’ve tried moving various components to see if I have a loose connection without any success.
There are two fakra connections which I believe are for the std VW radio which has two tuners and switches between each one depending on which has the best signal. I’m only connected into one atm. There are therefore two possibilities - buy a fly-lead and connect the two into the radio, or, connect the dab antenna into the current spare fakra to assess signal strength.
Of course, the shark fin could be changed to one that includes a dab antenna, but running another cable from the head unit to the fin is on the bottom of the list. Question is, could I use the spare fakra cable? That might bring it up the list.