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Author Topic: Advice: Am I getting ripped off?  (Read 1415 times)

Offline GeneralSpod

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Advice: Am I getting ripped off?
« on: March 16, 2017, 08:54:04 am »

I bought a 2006 GTI DSG last year and so far I'm absolutely loving it  :driver: As I had just bought the car I thought it prudent to give her a full service when it was due but found it difficult to find a decent specialist near me. Admittedly this is somewhat my fault as I'm not particularly mechanics savvy - I think garages see me coming, if you catch my drift. I finally took the plunge on a local "German Specialist" and got a couple of nasty surprises in return.

I was wondering if people thought the work below seemed over-pricey or there's something fishy about the diagnosis?

* Cambelt - I knew this needed doing but haven't found anyone I trust to do it yet. These guys quote £330 but I think this is without water pump which is usually done at the smae time I believe. Another garage quoted £420 with water pump and MOT so I am tempted to see what Inchscape will pricematch
* "Rattle in engine". OK so when the car starts up there's a metallic rattle - I heard it last night and it sounded irregular and there was a slight irregular engine lurch on idle (very subtle). This goes away when actually driving. The guy "thinks" it "might" be the flywheel and quoted £876 to fix it! I felt a bit like "You ***think*** it's £900 worth of work?"
* Rocker gasket(???) £100
* Sump gasket (???????) £50

The engine feels fine- awesome even. I'm just unsure what to do next. Should I ask VW? Or attempt to find a garage I trust?

Advice, please!

(Apologies if I sound like a noob.... I AM!!!)

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Re: Advice: Am I getting ripped off?
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2017, 06:12:20 pm »
To be fair, the engines sound pretty 'rattley' as standard, slightly diesely.

I had a quote from my local VW and they want £400 for camblet alone, another garage quoted me £450 with water pump.

As for the other issues i cant be of help

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Re: Advice: Am I getting ripped off?
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2017, 06:32:16 pm »
If you're worried about places doing your cambelt then might be worth looking at vw fixed servicing. Last time I looked about a week ago they were charging about 480 for belt and pump.

Plus you can usually get a hire car given to you as well which is handy. As long as you book a few weeks in advance as they don't seem to have many courtesy cars.
Stage "1.5" ED30 [330BHP] Rtech

Offline Chris_R

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Re: Advice: Am I getting ripped off?
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2017, 07:22:34 pm »
Your location may help others recommend a garage that they have used in the past if you are worried about it.
£375 is what my local guys charge for a cambelt and waterpump change. The pump in that price is £46.28 so it's not a million miles away from your quotes.
It's £434 from VW themselves under their fixed price servicing for older cars (more than 3 years old IIRC)

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Re: Advice: Am I getting ripped off?
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2017, 08:50:35 pm »
The belt and pump prices seem ok. Anything around 400 for both is about right.

If your flywheel is clattering you can usually diagnose it, to some degree, by dipping your clutch when you're sat in neutral. If you dip the clutch and it's silent, but then get lots of noise when you release it, this might point to an issue. However, flywheels can be a bit noisy but not actually be faulty. It's the nature of what they are. I assume the mechanic is quoting the total cost for flywheel, clutch and labour - it makes a lot of sense to do clutches and flywheels together. From what you've described though, about the noise going away, I'd suggest investigating other causes.

The engine lurch - this is a common thing. A popular theory is that it's caused by carbon build up. A failing injector can also cause a rough idle, like a series of small misfires.

I think the best thing you can do right now is get a second opinion. Where are you based? Unfortunately, anyone can call themselves a 'specialist' without actually being one. And the big thing, you're not confident in these guys. That seems obvious. You don't have to hand over your hard-earned to anyone you don't fully trust.

So, have a search around the forum, see if you can draw up a little list of recommended specialists near you, and go from there.


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Re: Advice: Am I getting ripped off?
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2017, 11:06:19 pm »
It's £484 fixed price for cambelt and waterpump at VW....I'd go VW for the sake of ££'s. Peace of mind plus warranty etc

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Re: Advice: Am I getting ripped off?
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2017, 07:35:46 am »
I have no wish to start a row, and have no axe to grind, but....

This fascination with VW dealers being somehow better than other garages always amazes me! Same aplliesto a FVWSH car...might not be all that yiu have paid heavily for!

Ther are plenty of horror stories about approved used nearly new cars, never mind main dealers standard of some of their work on older cars. Have a dig about on here.
Warranties, like insurance, are only worth having if they actually pay out!

E.g.;topicseen#new.  Post 38, from a well respected member.

My advice would be to try to find a garage that is trusted, respected and recommended by someone who knows what they are talking about, ideally off here if it's a mk 5 gti.

Offline GeneralSpod

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Re: Advice: Am I getting ripped off?
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2017, 11:26:09 am »
Thanks everyone for the replies; it definitely has been an issue finding a trusty independent. I'm in Stockport NW BTW.

I'll do some research on my local dealer as well as continuing the search for a trusty independent (any suggestions welcomed)


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Advice: Am I getting ripped off?
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2017, 01:46:31 pm »
Didn't say they're better but pointing out the fact that VW are near enough the same price.

If I got quotes like that from everywhere I went to do mine, then I'd personally defo go VW.
I paid £275 all in from a trusted indy and that's with OEM parts supplied by myself.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2017, 01:51:13 pm by MIJ_JAGGER »

Offline Vish8895

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Re: Advice: Am I getting ripped off?
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2017, 01:49:25 pm »
Motorserv by me are doing cambelt for £299 with a free water pump and 2 year warranty... Might snatch the deal up after reading this thread