Just put dealer GTI ones on. I don't think S3 ones are necessary as it's a lighter car. If OE GTI ones last for 10 years, I can't see the need for 'uprated' ones personally, unless of course you're going for Ground Control caster plates, in which case you have my full endorsement 
Febi stuff for the aftermarket is complete trash in my experience, *especially* when it comes to rubber mountings. For sake of 40 quid, I'd rather not have to redo the work after 5000 miles or so.
I've heard the RS3 mounts are a bit cheaper.
But point taken. I'll call in at the dealer tomorrow.
Cool if they are. I haven't looked into the differences, but I assume the S3 uses the same bearing, but stiffer rubber? Which means the bearing life will be no different to the GTI part, but the rubber bit should last a bit longer.
My dealer mate did me a pair of GTI TMs for about 80 quid iirc.
Sorry to be blunt about the febi parts. Been there in the past and VW stuff is just better in the long run mate 
No worries mate, it's why I asked the question! So it'll definitely be OEM after seeing the consensus.
Yeah they're apparently a bit stiffer, and I've read a few times they're cheaper than GTI ones, for whatever reason. So win win really, although I doubt there's really much in it in terms of longevity or performance. It's probably one of those things that's theoretically 'better', but in the real world isn't worth obsessing over!
Just waiting for a PM back from @Paradox1 as he's got a pair of OEM. Whether they're Audi or VW doesn't really matter to me, just saves a trip to the dealers