2. the evap system recall for mkv's
3. fitting of a catch can kit (to avoid PCV)
just some thoughts
Not heard about the EVAP recall. Certainly wasn't any recalls when i had mine serviced just before Xmas.
Catch can makes no difference as i have one on mine and still had the issue.
I recently have started to get the 5200rpm flat spot etc (it did feel a bit like fuel cut but not as harsh more like a misfire) this holds for about 2-300 rpm then all is fine again.
At first i thought it could be the Tesco 99 my missus decided to fill up with (women bless them!) but after 2 full tanks of V-Power it was still there.
On friday i replaced the MAF & the MAP and now it seems to have disappeared. However i had to do a bit of a spirited drive the other day so that may have cleared it too.
What i can surmise is the following:
My missus does a short drive to work every day (about 3 miles) in which the car doesn't have much chance to reach full temp (it's usually just there by the time she reaches work).
As the ECU is an Adaptive ECU i think it alters itself to this driving style. When i get in the car i still drive normally within speed limits i just use the gears a lot differently to my missus.
After replacing the MAF & the MAP, i also cleaned the EVOMS filter to get rid of all the road grime etc, i had to do the spirited drive total was about 32 miles. Since then the car seems to be fine and although i posted originally i thought their was fu*k all difference the car now seems to be a lot stronger in the Mid-Range
So i think if you are suffering with the 5200rpm flat spot. Take the car for a bit of a spirited drive (15-20 miles) and it
MAY just get everything back to normal.