Not a driving peeve, but just an observation. I'm from the Midlands, and I reckon we're a friendly and considerate lot, in general, but we moved to the South Coast a few years back , and people just seem to be so inconsiderate down here...Two examples.... Walking along the pavement into to town, and there is on-street parking, as many towns have, but the self centred morons who have just parked up, then just throw their doors open, without even looking or giving a second thought that some poor pedestrian might be walking along the pavement.....I sometimes stop and ask if they would like me to wait while they get out......I was carrying shopping bags one day and they caught on the car door that this woman passenger had flung open, as I was alongside it (accidentally - of course), and the woman said loudly to her husband, "his bags have just banged on our car door .... WTF do you expect if you open it without looking, derrrrr! The husband didn't say a word! Next one, in a similar fashion, around here people just barge straight out from shop doors, without looking, or pausing, to see if anyone might be walking in front of the shops along the street. It's just Me; Me; Me....People are so rude and inconsiderate to other people.
