Love these crap road craft threads!
Pistonheads have their own "Crap driving caught on camera" and "One single thing that makes you think, knob" threads dedicated to this very subject

Driving must be up there in the top 5 most emotive topics in this country, for both enthusiasts and non-enthusiasts alike. I've seen the most pleasant, kindest, placid people turn into absolute arseholes behind the wheel, like a light switch. It's a very English thing to take very minor motoring infractions very seriously, myself included!
Anyway, where to start! AJP's "People who don't look for a clear path onto roundabouts until they've come to stop first" is a great one, and it really does p1ss me off because it causes significant congestion where I live.
I think for me it's just people taking their schitty attitudes out on others that encompasses all of my pet peeves. So you've had a crap day at work and you're sat in a traffic jam. Deal with it, so have I, so have the rest of us. Your journey is not more important than ours.....and yes, it's YOU people who just dive out of junctions into the queue of traffic uninvited I'm referring to.....with no acknowledgment to the person you just barged in front of. Cluckin Runts.
I actually got out of my car and took someone to task for it after they barged in front of me......and guess what. Doors were locked. Windows wound up. Wouldn't look at or acknowledge me. Stared straight ahead. Spineless cluckin runt, as well as an arrogant cluckin runt. Would they do that in a Post office queue and risk a beating? On reflection I shouldn't have done that, but it's just the bare faced arrogance of just pushing in with no "thanks" hand gesture, nothing.....grrrrrr. Utter gusset stain.
I also hate the stupid elephant racing HGV drivers insist on doing. Militant helmet-cam cyclists who are deliberately obstructive to annoy motorists, well, they deserve to knocked off and run over quite frankly.
There's just a lot of high and mightiness on the roads at the moment, and everyone else is in the wrong. People forget that driving is a social event and we all share the roads. Unfortunately it's a symptom of over crowding. Watch what happens when you put 1000 rats in a cramped space. Humans are no different. We all want our space.