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Author Topic: Your driving pet peeves...  (Read 29458 times)

Offline gulfstream11

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2017, 12:41:40 pm »
Drivers that flash other drivers waiting at T junctions to come out when if they look in the rearview mirror first they will notice I'm the only one behind them for miles therby no need to flash the waiting driver which is always the slowest tw4t on the road........ BREATHE!

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2017, 03:54:33 pm »
Que jumpers that won't wait in a build up of traffic, drive up the inside and cut in front of those that are waiting, really makes my piss boil.
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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2017, 08:04:54 pm »
- People who don't indicate or indicate last second when you could have pulled out time before
- People who don't say thank you when letting them out or when people cross the road
- People who middle lane hog or don't get out the outside lane when you're behind them
- People who don't have a clue what correct lane to be in on a roundabout
- Old people. They're a genuine danger.
- People who brake excessively earlier coming to a junction or roundabout.
- Cyclists. Granted some stick to the side, but majority of them think the width of the road is all for them. F*ck off quick.
- People who drive with stupidly bright headlights so you can't see sh*t

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #18 on: April 19, 2017, 10:10:03 pm »
I really don't know where to start!

Let's just say almost all of the above? But...

.... I don't like cattle grids, nor does my Eddy (and I do live in the country)   :signLOL:

So let's add lazy feckin farmers who leave 2" of cow sh*te sprayed across an A road! How are they allowed to get away with it? Lethal!

I don't get it  :laugh: I just fly over them nothing at all to worry about. Certainly wouldn't go to silly low speeds of 5-10mph  :rolleye:

Good point on the sprayed sh*t  :grin: been once or twice I'm been driving past fields and all of a sudden out of no where my car is covered in sh*t that's be thrown from the spreader over the hedge onto my car  :fighting: lucky haven't happened in my R....yet

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #19 on: April 20, 2017, 04:20:52 pm »
 :grin:  Love these crap road craft threads!

Pistonheads have their own "Crap driving caught on camera" and "One single thing that makes you think, knob" threads dedicated to this very subject  :grin:

Driving must be up there in the top 5 most emotive topics in this country, for both enthusiasts and non-enthusiasts alike.   I've seen the most pleasant, kindest, placid people turn into absolute arseholes behind the wheel, like a light switch.  It's a very English thing to take very minor motoring infractions very seriously, myself included!

Anyway, where to start!  AJP's "People who don't look for a clear path onto roundabouts until they've come to stop first" is a great one, and it really does p1ss me off because it causes significant congestion where I live.

I think for me it's just people taking their schitty attitudes out on others that encompasses all of my pet peeves.  So you've had a crap day at work and you're sat in a traffic jam.  Deal with it, so have I, so have the rest of us.  Your journey is not more important than ours.....and yes, it's YOU people who just dive out of junctions into the queue of traffic uninvited I'm referring to.....with no acknowledgment to the person you just barged in front of.  Cluckin Runts.

I actually got out of my car and took someone to task for it after they barged in front of me......and guess what.  Doors were locked.  Windows wound up.  Wouldn't look at or acknowledge me.  Stared straight ahead.  Spineless cluckin runt, as well as an arrogant cluckin runt.  Would they do that in a Post office queue and risk a beating?  On reflection I shouldn't have done that, but it's just the bare faced arrogance of just pushing in with no "thanks" hand gesture, nothing.....grrrrrr.  Utter gusset stain.

I also hate the stupid elephant racing HGV drivers insist on doing.  Militant helmet-cam cyclists who are deliberately obstructive to annoy motorists, well, they deserve to knocked off and run over quite frankly. 

There's just a lot of high and mightiness on the roads at the moment, and everyone else is in the wrong.  People forget that driving is a social event and we all share the roads.  Unfortunately it's a symptom of over crowding.  Watch what happens when you put 1000 rats in a cramped space.  Humans are no different.  We all want our space.

« Last Edit: April 20, 2017, 04:22:55 pm by Pudding »

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #20 on: April 20, 2017, 08:00:52 pm »
I guess none of you boys live in London.

Fu**ing speed humps.

We've even got speedhumps that have potholes.

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2017, 09:21:57 am »

I actually got out of my car and took someone to task for it after they barged in front of me......and guess what.  Doors were locked.  Windows wound up.  Wouldn't look at or acknowledge me.  Stared straight ahead.  Spineless cluckin runt, as well as an arrogant cluckin runt.  Would they do that in a Post office queue and risk a beating?  On reflection I shouldn't have done that, but it's just the bare faced arrogance of just pushing in with no "thanks" hand gesture, nothing.....grrrrrr.  Utter gusset stain.

Had one like this two days ago. Here we were, a situation where the outside lane closes off - I'm on the  inside lane, queuing along with others, when this car comes alongside trying to jump the queue, and had the cheek to blast their horn when I wouldn't let them in. Blasted my horn back and looked in the mirror and surprised to see there's this stupid b1tch in the drivers seat, hand gestures and the like...... Her passenger / boyfriend/ partner/ whatever looking very sheepish though.  Such arrogance.

I used to think that women were much better drivers than men, but seems there's now a general 'attitude' generation coming on all about me; me; me....
« Last Edit: April 21, 2017, 11:13:52 am by Juliand »

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2017, 11:01:12 pm »
I had one yesterday. It's ignorant / arrogant / unconsiderate / impatient drivers.

So, I was queuing in the RH lane to go right on a roundabout in town.  Indicator on, traffic was coming from the right which then filled and blocked my exit. Somehow, I must have missed a miniscule gap to force my way through the queuing traffic, to which the 'gentleman' in the VW UP behind took exception to. Cue some beeping and gesticulating from his side.
Utter prat. Where on earth do you expect me to go when cars are blocking me. And then, round the next corner, we arrive at another queue. Your beeping and gittishness wouldn't get you anywhere sooner. Maybe to your heart-attack...

Chill the f*** out. Make progress when you can, and be polite. Somewhere you'll get repaid with someone letting you out of a junction, etc.

Rant mode off...

Edition 30 - no. 1387

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #23 on: April 27, 2017, 12:24:12 pm »

I actually got out of my car and took someone to task for it after they barged in front of me......and guess what.  Doors were locked.  Windows wound up.  Wouldn't look at or acknowledge me.  Stared straight ahead.  Spineless cluckin runt, as well as an arrogant cluckin runt.  Would they do that in a Post office queue and risk a beating?  On reflection I shouldn't have done that, but it's just the bare faced arrogance of just pushing in with no "thanks" hand gesture, nothing.....grrrrrr.  Utter gusset stain.

Had one like this two days ago. Here we were, a situation where the outside lane closes off - I'm on the  inside lane, queuing along with others, when this car comes alongside trying to jump the queue, and had the cheek to blast their horn when I wouldn't let them in. Blasted my horn back and looked in the mirror and surprised to see there's this stupid b1tch in the drivers seat, hand gestures and the like...... Her passenger / boyfriend/ partner/ whatever looking very sheepish though.  Such arrogance.

I used to think that women were much better drivers than men, but seems there's now a general 'attitude' generation coming on all about me; me; me....

You raise a good point there because I'm finding more and more it's the women who are the aggressors these days!!   Well, apart from the typical shaven headed, middle aged Essex builder type in a big black X5 who took exception to some assertive driving on my part the other day.  'Assertive' meaning I got into a gap before he did, and it made his penis shrivel up apparently.   He threatened to shoot me, and stab me (for good measure), in front of my girlfriend etc blah blah.....all the biggest threats in the world.....and then he drove off after having his near coronary explosion.......but anyway, yeah, women!!   Maybe they aren't getting any from their boyfs/husbands?  :grin:

And yep, the people like her getting angry because their attempts at queue barging failed is on the rise.  Self important arrogant fckwits.   Who knows where all this hostile combat driving will end, but I predict road rage is only going to increase the more crowded the roads get.

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #24 on: April 27, 2017, 05:09:46 pm »

I actually got out of my car and took someone to task for it after they barged in front of me......and guess what.  Doors were locked.  Windows wound up.  Wouldn't look at or acknowledge me.  Stared straight ahead.  Spineless cluckin runt, as well as an arrogant cluckin runt.  Would they do that in a Post office queue and risk a beating?  On reflection I shouldn't have done that, but it's just the bare faced arrogance of just pushing in with no "thanks" hand gesture, nothing.....grrrrrr.  Utter gusset stain.

Had one like this two days ago. Here we were, a situation where the outside lane closes off - I'm on the  inside lane, queuing along with others, when this car comes alongside trying to jump the queue, and had the cheek to blast their horn when I wouldn't let them in. Blasted my horn back and looked in the mirror and surprised to see there's this stupid b1tch in the drivers seat, hand gestures and the like...... Her passenger / boyfriend/ partner/ whatever looking very sheepish though.  Such arrogance.

I used to think that women were much better drivers than men, but seems there's now a general 'attitude' generation coming on all about me; me; me....

You raise a good point there because I'm finding more and more it's the women who are the aggressors these days!!   Well, apart from the typical shaven headed, middle aged Essex builder type in a big black X5 who took exception to some assertive driving on my part the other day.  'Assertive' meaning I got into a gap before he did, and it made his penis shrivel up apparently.   He threatened to shoot me, and stab me (for good measure), in front of my girlfriend etc blah blah.....all the biggest threats in the world.....and then he drove off after having his near coronary explosion.......but anyway, yeah, women!!   Maybe they aren't getting any from their boyfs/husbands?  :grin:

And yep, the people like her getting angry because their attempts at queue barging failed is on the rise.  Self important arrogant fckwits.   Who knows where all this hostile combat driving will end, but I predict road rage is only going to increase the more crowded the roads get.
I shouldn't laugh. Obviously having a bother-boy threaten you with death isn't a lighthearted matter, but the way you put it really made me chuckle.

Do you write, or have you even written professionally? Serious question. I get the impression you're not shy of that kind of thing.

Anyway, post of the day for me

Offline pudding

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #25 on: April 28, 2017, 04:16:16 pm »

I actually got out of my car and took someone to task for it after they barged in front of me......and guess what.  Doors were locked.  Windows wound up.  Wouldn't look at or acknowledge me.  Stared straight ahead.  Spineless cluckin runt, as well as an arrogant cluckin runt.  Would they do that in a Post office queue and risk a beating?  On reflection I shouldn't have done that, but it's just the bare faced arrogance of just pushing in with no "thanks" hand gesture, nothing.....grrrrrr.  Utter gusset stain.

Had one like this two days ago. Here we were, a situation where the outside lane closes off - I'm on the  inside lane, queuing along with others, when this car comes alongside trying to jump the queue, and had the cheek to blast their horn when I wouldn't let them in. Blasted my horn back and looked in the mirror and surprised to see there's this stupid b1tch in the drivers seat, hand gestures and the like...... Her passenger / boyfriend/ partner/ whatever looking very sheepish though.  Such arrogance.

I used to think that women were much better drivers than men, but seems there's now a general 'attitude' generation coming on all about me; me; me....

You raise a good point there because I'm finding more and more it's the women who are the aggressors these days!!   Well, apart from the typical shaven headed, middle aged Essex builder type in a big black X5 who took exception to some assertive driving on my part the other day.  'Assertive' meaning I got into a gap before he did, and it made his penis shrivel up apparently.   He threatened to shoot me, and stab me (for good measure), in front of my girlfriend etc blah blah.....all the biggest threats in the world.....and then he drove off after having his near coronary explosion.......but anyway, yeah, women!!   Maybe they aren't getting any from their boyfs/husbands?  :grin:

And yep, the people like her getting angry because their attempts at queue barging failed is on the rise.  Self important arrogant fckwits.   Who knows where all this hostile combat driving will end, but I predict road rage is only going to increase the more crowded the roads get.
I shouldn't laugh. Obviously having a bother-boy threaten you with death isn't a lighthearted matter, but the way you put it really made me chuckle.

Do you write, or have you even written professionally? Serious question. I get the impression you're not shy of that kind of thing.

Anyway, post of the day for me

 :smiley:  It was surreal really.....whilst he was yelling out of his window, all I could focus on was the copious amounts of spit flickering out of his mouth like a sparkler, huge pulsing veins in his neck, and his face turning into a football sized beetroot!  Threatened to be shot at and/or stabbed (which ever took his fancy from the weapons arsenal in his boot) was secondary on my mind  :grin:

With men I find it's 95% intimidation, 5% intention to harm.   It's the women who are more likely to dish out a portion of b1tch slaps!

Classic case in point: I remember this chap in a Range Rover chasing me down for no apparent reason on a quiet 50mph limit DC.  Aggressive tailgating, hand gestures, all of it.  Eventually I was getting too close to home for comfort (I never let road rage stalkers know where I live - I drive them to the police station if it gets bad enough), so against my better judgment, I stopped the car, got out and stood calmly by the door.  He screeched to a halt in front and came sprinting over over to me (again, big ol Beetroot head + foaming rabid dog mouth) yelling something about me crossing a white line to over take the dawdler in front of, miles back.

I stood my ground, looked him in the eye and said "Are you serious mate?  You broke the speed limit, drove without due care and attention and incited road rage just to tell me about a very minor motoring infraction?".   And then all of a sudden, it was like a light switch was pressed and he was a completely different bloke.  Friendly, complimentary of what I was wearing and my car (I think he ended up fancying me) and we had a quick chat and went about our ways.
Weird surreal moments eh?  A lot of pent up anger out there these days and people just need to vent..... it doesn't always have to end with a stabbing, although that is a real danger and I need to stop getting out of my car!!

Funny you should say that, my Mum keeps mentioning creative writing courses to me, and nope, never done it as a profession.  Wouldn't know where to start or if it even interests me tbh.  I suppose it must if I spend most of my day on forums  :thinking:

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2017, 04:29:49 pm »
To be honest, I quite enjoy shouting my head off and going mad in the car when I see someone do something stupid

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2017, 06:14:50 pm »
I think most of us do  :grin:

Funny thing is, every time we go out and I'm driving, my gf's eyes droop like a sad puppys, followed by "Please can you drive normally! No speeding, no road rage, no bullying, I just want a relaxed journey".  Oh the irony and double standards!!  When she drives, it's like Apocalypse now.  I need to buy her a Range Rover I think, and rearrange the letters to Road Rager or something.

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #28 on: April 28, 2017, 09:56:23 pm »
People who think I'm in the wrong for using a bus lane outside of its operational hours.

My Mrs is terrible for road rage, but she'd never say anything to them although it builds up and then affects her driving for the rest of the journey, she can't let the little things go. I know I drive too fast at times, but in queuing and town environments I'm generally courteous and let people get away with small mistakes we all make them. Plus we forget about our local little quirks or weird road layouts as we are used to them, and a visiting driver may not realise. 

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #29 on: April 28, 2017, 10:56:52 pm »
I'm pretty relaxed about everything to be honest. As long as I get from A to B safely I dont mind what others