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Author Topic: Your driving pet peeves...  (Read 29523 times)

Offline Pesky jones

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #30 on: April 29, 2017, 12:51:29 am »
Plus we forget about our local little quirks or weird road layouts as we are used to them, and a visiting driver may not realise.

Agreed, i've thought that before

Offline Ashjstarr

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #31 on: May 02, 2017, 03:57:03 pm »
I am one for shouting in the safety of my own car as I tend to avoid confrontation like the plague, but over the weekend I realised I was in the wrong lane so I indicated left and waited for a suitable gap then pulled out. The car that I pulled out of took exception to this (despite not needing to change his speed) and flashed at me. I would always leave this be but we both ended up parking in the same supermarket a few rows apart, as he passed my car he muttered something like 'ill get you next time' under his breath. Again I let it go.
then whilst i was fiddling for a trolley token he muttered 'knob' under his breath at which point I turned to him calling him out, calmly stated the facts about the situation and that if he wanted to 'get me next time' he was more than welcome to try. I walked off and he stood there embarrassed in front of a handful of other shoppers.

Fully expected a keyed car on my return but it seems he thought better of it.

The point is, like P3T3R pointed out above, there are certain weird layouts and sudden lane changes that catch even locals (me) out but people love to get aggressive towards people who make those mistakes!

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #32 on: May 05, 2017, 07:37:23 pm »
Cyclists going through red lights when the rest of us wait til green, And why do councils waste a lot of good money on cycle lanes when 9/10 adult cyclists ride on all footpaths anyway ?


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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #33 on: May 06, 2017, 02:03:25 pm »
1. People that hog the fast lane then speed up when you go to undertake, so not to let you in.
2. People that don't let ambulances or other services out.
3. People smoking in their cars (to me just as bad as on the phone)
4. People that look at you like you just punched their child for honking at them when they've sat at a green light until it goes red.

Offline Addymk2

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #34 on: May 14, 2017, 06:05:19 pm »
1. People that treat the lanes on the motorway as 60-70-80
2. People who can't maintain a consistent speed so you end up overtaking them over and over again as the speed up past you, drop in then slow down
3. Que jumpers
4. People who approach a flowing motorway form a clear slip road at 30mph
5. Wrong indication on roundabouts
6. Old people
7. How women on the motorway NEVER give you a gap to get out, i.e off a slip road into traffic.
8. Other drivers
9. People who don't replace bulbs
10. People who insist on flooring it at red lights to slam on

Offline Addymk2

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #35 on: May 14, 2017, 06:07:12 pm »
1. People that hog the fast lane then speed up when you go to undertake, so not to let you in.
2. People that don't let ambulances or other services out.
3. People smoking in their cars (to me just as bad as on the phone)
4. People that look at you like you just punched their child for honking at them when they've sat at a green light until it goes red.
I smoked for years. I have used my car whilst driving years ago. It's nowhere near as distracting, for one you can put both hands on the wheel whilst smoking. Secondly, a lot of phone users try to text with a touch screen. That's just dangerous. You can spot someone on the phone from miles off, they're generally swerving all over the middle lane whilst getting under and overtaken. Smokers are harder to spot until the burning embers flying towards your bonnet


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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #36 on: May 15, 2017, 05:57:45 pm »

I smoked for years. I have used my car whilst driving years ago. It's nowhere near as distracting, for one you can put both hands on the wheel whilst smoking. Secondly, a lot of phone users try to text with a touch screen. That's just dangerous. You can spot someone on the phone from miles off, they're generally swerving all over the middle lane whilst getting under and overtaken. Smokers are harder to spot until the burning embers flying towards your bonnet

Lol you luckily haven't witnessed someone searching their whole car looking for a lighter

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #37 on: May 15, 2017, 10:19:31 pm »

I smoked for years. I have used my car whilst driving years ago. It's nowhere near as distracting, for one you can put both hands on the wheel whilst smoking. Secondly, a lot of phone users try to text with a touch screen. That's just dangerous. You can spot someone on the phone from miles off, they're generally swerving all over the middle lane whilst getting under and overtaken. Smokers are harder to spot until the burning embers flying towards your bonnet

Lol you luckily haven't witnessed someone searching their whole car looking for a lighter
Ahhh, they're not your generic smoker. They're rookies with poor fagmin. A pro knows where there lighter is at all times

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #38 on: May 16, 2017, 02:30:02 pm »
2. People who can't maintain a consistent speed so you end up overtaking them over and over again as the speed up past you, drop in then slow down
Oh yes - this is one of mine too. WTF! Saw so much of this at the weekend on a rare trip up to Lincolnshire. I thought driving on the M4 was bad, and then I've seen how people are on a less crowded motorway like the A1M. Honestly.., just pick your speed and keep to it! Don't tailgate me to get me out of the way and then slow down once you're past... I'd rather you keep going so you're in front & I can anticipate some moronic move you'll pull...!

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #39 on: February 03, 2018, 09:58:18 am »
Merge lanes.
Angry women drivers.

I just dread it when I come across lanes that merge two into one.
One day an old woman was so close that her mirror was overlapping my mirror, she was going mental.
Same junction months later, woman trying to push in, not merging just bloody mindedly forcing her way in. She leant on the horn for a good ten seconds (offence) then for some random reason got her huge phone out (offence) and took a photo of our car stopped at a roundabout further along.

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #40 on: February 05, 2018, 11:46:58 am »
Yeah lane merging usually always gets heated these days, and ties in nicely with......

......people who think indicating = right of way.

You know the sorts.  Throbbers in vans (usually) who pull alongside you in the left lane, then indicate and steer at the same time to force a gap that didn't exist.   Arrogant bank stains.  I pinch them off now. Not standing for that rubbish anymore.  Join the queue like everyone else.

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #41 on: February 05, 2018, 01:50:53 pm »
I've got no problem with people merging in turn when they are already in front of me on the road. These days I even give way to someone alongside me who politely indicates without forcing their way in..... 

It's the ones that try to race forward/to make up as much ground as possible, or those that think an indicator means right of way that I end up being stubborn with, even if it means bumper to bumper with the car in front to stop them taking the piss

I am a lot more sedate these days than I once was, mainly as I often have my two young children in the car
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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #42 on: February 05, 2018, 03:53:59 pm »
Ha, the worst are the ones who force their way in with no indication or acknowledgment!

Similarly, being let out of a side road seems to have become a god given right to some people as well.   The people who just drive out into the road and EXPECT someone to yield I always block off regardless, but what is becoming increasingly more common is zero gratitude from those you do flash out of a side road.   It happens to me so often now, I've just stopped letting anyone out full stop.

2007 ED30 | 2009 TDI 140 | 2016 BMW 330D

Offline m1keh

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #43 on: February 25, 2018, 04:12:32 pm »
1. People that treat the lanes on the motorway as 60-70-80
2. People who can't maintain a consistent speed so you end up overtaking them over and over again as the speed up past you, drop in then slow down

Point 2 is especially annoying when you are on cruise control and don't want to speed up to pass them..

Point 1 - isnt it more like 56-58-100?

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Re: Your driving pet peeves...
« Reply #44 on: March 10, 2018, 12:23:24 pm »
Where a slip road joins the main carriageway there are dotted lines telling you it is a give way. I hate it when people just push their way on expecting you to brake or move over even if there is other traffic.