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Author Topic: Someone please explain these logs for me  (Read 4367 times)

Offline r5gtt

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Someone please explain these logs for me
« on: April 27, 2017, 01:46:14 pm »
Basically cars running fine but soon as I WOT the car goes into some kind of limp mode and holds back losing power and after a while it's normal again.

Been told I need my car mapped

Thanks @Dan_FR or anyone in the know  :smiley:

« Last Edit: April 27, 2017, 02:19:23 pm by r5gtt »

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Re: Someone please explain these logs for me
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2017, 02:00:11 pm »
When you say hold back what do you mean? Do the clocks have a "mad out" when it happens?

Offline r5gtt

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Re: Someone please explain these logs for me
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2017, 02:23:08 pm »
Hi rich, when I put my foot down I get loads of power but when I slow down at a junction and try to take off again it will drop in power, sort of bog down and lose all power so I release the throttle and slowly take off again and then it will pick back up as if nothing happened but then it'll do it again until I drive it steady and will clear and back to normal again  :doh:

Offline Dan_FR

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Re: Someone please explain these logs for me
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2017, 02:47:17 pm »
Thought something od was going on with the gearchanges until i remembered you're DSG

You need to log it whilst WOT and capture the moment it goes in to the soft limp that its going in to. Do any of the logs above capture that moment? As the first log looks like a clean pull through the whole RPM, quite a bit of CF (cheap supermarket fuel?) otherwise nothing to write home about. The second log with the fuelling is more concerning as the fuel pressure is dancing around all over the shop.

What mods do you have? Any fault codes? Try and ensure there's always an RPM data point on the logs so that there's a frame of reference.
TFSI... Revo Stage 2+... . WMI.... VCDS HEX + CAN, MPPS, VAG Commander & VAG tacho - South Wales

Offline r5gtt

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Re: Someone please explain these logs for me
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2017, 03:01:38 pm »
Yes mines a dsg. Mods running are as follows

Texaco 97 Ron as my local has closed for refurb and I never use cheap supermarket stuff  :sick: only once in an emergency 8months ago and that was only a tenner

3" turbo back BCS power valve
Ram air CAI
VIS hpfp
RS4 frpv
BKR7EIX Iridium plugs
R8 coils

No fault codes bar the post lambda as I have a sport cat.

I thought I did capture it as it started messing about here but not too sure Dan.

RPM data which block or what's the best blocks to log?

Offline r5gtt

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Re: Someone please explain these logs for me
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2017, 03:08:19 pm »
I think it happened here when the car bogged down but maybe the wrong block

Offline Dan_FR

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Re: Someone please explain these logs for me
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2017, 07:37:19 am »
Well whoever told you it needs mapping out is an idiot, as you can't just map out a hardware problem. With those mods the cars should run faultlessly on the standard map so it's not just 'the map'

The only thing I can see in the log above is that the fuel pressure is bouncing around a lot, reaching a lot more pressure than is requested. Could be a sensor, it could be the regulator on top of the pump.

Has it started recently? Did it start after any hardware changes, such as when you swapped to the VIS internals?
TFSI... Revo Stage 2+... . WMI.... VCDS HEX + CAN, MPPS, VAG Commander & VAG tacho - South Wales

Offline Paradox1

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Re: Someone please explain these logs for me
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2017, 10:22:44 am »
Well whoever told you it needs mapping out is an idiot, as you can't just map out a hardware problem. With those mods the cars should run faultlessly on the standard map so it's not just 'the map'

The only thing I can see in the log above is that the fuel pressure is bouncing around a lot, reaching a lot more pressure than is requested. Could be a sensor, it could be the regulator on top of the pump.

Has it started recently? Did it start after any hardware changes, such as when you swapped to the VIS internals?

Exactly what I said. How can you map a car that already has a fault lol

Offline r5gtt

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Re: Someone please explain these logs for me
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2017, 11:53:44 am »
Well whoever told you it needs mapping out is an idiot, as you can't just map out a hardware problem. With those mods the cars should run faultlessly on the standard map so it's not just 'the map'

The only thing I can see in the log above is that the fuel pressure is bouncing around a lot, reaching a lot more pressure than is requested. Could be a sensor, it could be the regulator on top of the pump.

Has it started recently? Did it start after any hardware changes, such as when you swapped to the VIS internals?
its been happening frequently around six months now I've had the cam follower out not too long back and it was okay but I think I'll give it another looking and replace it as it's been over 10k since last replaced. If I boot it down the motorway it's fine but these short bursts seem to cause it to bog down in power. Not sure about the VIS tbh but could an internal cause something like this ?
only way to really know is replace it with the oem pump and then I'll know 100% it's this causing the bog down in power or not.

Thanks you mate

Offline r5gtt

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Re: Someone please explain these logs for me
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2017, 11:56:53 am »
Well whoever told you it needs mapping out is an idiot, as you can't just map out a hardware problem. With those mods the cars should run faultlessly on the standard map so it's not just 'the map'

The only thing I can see in the log above is that the fuel pressure is bouncing around a lot, reaching a lot more pressure than is requested. Could be a sensor, it could be the regulator on top of the pump.

Has it started recently? Did it start after any hardware changes, such as when you swapped to the VIS internals?

Exactly what I said. How can you map a car that already has a fault lol
well been told the fuel request isn't meeting the needs as it drops to 90's from 130 so that why I've posted up for expert opinions as I really need to get this dealt with and you did agree with me about the map later  :fighting2: :signLOL:

Offline Paradox1

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Re: Someone please explain these logs for me
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2017, 11:59:40 am »
Well whoever told you it needs mapping out is an idiot, as you can't just map out a hardware problem. With those mods the cars should run faultlessly on the standard map so it's not just 'the map'

The only thing I can see in the log above is that the fuel pressure is bouncing around a lot, reaching a lot more pressure than is requested. Could be a sensor, it could be the regulator on top of the pump.

Has it started recently? Did it start after any hardware changes, such as when you swapped to the VIS internals?

Exactly what I said. How can you map a car that already has a fault lol
well been told the fuel request isn't meeting the needs as it drops to 90's from 130 so that why I've posted up for expert opinions as I really need to get this dealt with and you did agree with me about the map later  :fighting2: :signLOL:

Yes once the issue is sorted. lol

A map on a car that doesnt run perfectly isnt going to fix anything

Offline Pesky jones

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Re: Someone please explain these logs for me
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2017, 01:00:43 pm »
Why is it giving you 130bar of fuel when you're only asking for 110bar? Standard k03 map is 110bar specified.

Offline Dan_FR

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Re: Someone please explain these logs for me
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2017, 05:00:16 pm »
Why is it giving you 130bar of fuel when you're only asking for 110bar? Standard k03 map is 110bar specified.
:happy2: Exactly  :signLOL:
TFSI... Revo Stage 2+... . WMI.... VCDS HEX + CAN, MPPS, VAG Commander & VAG tacho - South Wales

Offline r5gtt

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Re: Someone please explain these logs for me
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2017, 05:27:22 pm »
Well whoever told you it needs mapping out is an idiot, as you can't just map out a hardware problem. With those mods the cars should run faultlessly on the standard map so it's not just 'the map'

The only thing I can see in the log above is that the fuel pressure is bouncing around a lot, reaching a lot more pressure than is requested. Could be a sensor, it could be the regulator on top of the pump.

Has it started recently? Did it start after any hardware changes, such as when you swapped to the VIS internals?

Exactly what I said. How can you map a car that already has a fault lol
well been told the fuel request isn't meeting the needs as it drops to 90's from 130 so that why I've posted up for expert opinions as I really need to get this dealt with and you did agree with me about the map later  :fighting2: :signLOL:

Yes once the issue is sorted. lol

A map on a car that doesnt run perfectly isnt going to fix anything
didnt hear you say once issue is sorted  :thinking:

Why is it giving you 130bar of fuel when you're only asking for 110bar? Standard k03 map is 110bar specified.
thats why I'm here asking  :doh:

Why is it giving you 130bar of fuel when you're only asking for 110bar? Standard k03 map is 110bar specified.
:happy2: Exactly  :signLOL:
I thought you'd be able to answer that one  :grin:

Right I've replaced the VIS fitted pump with my old oem pump so will let you know if anything changes and this cures the issues I'm having  :happy2:

Offline r5gtt

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Re: Someone please explain these logs for me
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2017, 07:01:43 pm »
Okay now here's the crack! Fitted old pump on and alls well and rapid now with more dsg farts.
Could the pump itself be fault as I'm going to whip the internals out and chuck it in my original pump to see if the problem persists with the internals or the pump itself. Thankfully I have two pumps to do the testing with and should have a definite answer of what's the issue tomorrow if weather plays safe with me.
