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Author Topic: Timing chain issues  (Read 18407 times)

Offline mayesj86

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Re: Timing chain issues
« Reply #60 on: May 16, 2017, 07:34:05 am »
Good stuff. If you have or have access to VCDS you can check the timing once you've put it back together. Engine measuring blocks, either block 90 or 91 will tell you your specified and actual exhaust cam adjustment. Your specified should be 28kw* and your actual wants to be + or - 1kw of the specified so between 27kw and 29kw. The number will fluctuate slightly, measure once warm and idling for five minutes.

*24kw specified adjustment for AXX engine code. +/-1kw for actual so 23 to 25kw

I don't have access to VSDS yet its on my "to buy list" as I cant see me ever getting rid of the Eddie I love the car.
Would it be worth putting a wee post up asking anyone in my area if they would be available to have a scan once its all back together?
Thanks very much for the info and advice its very much appreciated  :happy2: :smiley:

Offline Pesky jones

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Re: Timing chain issues
« Reply #61 on: May 16, 2017, 09:17:46 am »
Very much so! There is a VCDS register in the forum. Also might be worth puting a post up on TFSI tuning on facebook if you're on there. Although, If you put it back together, drive it, and it all performs normally then you can probably rest assured that its timed correctly. Its only if it idles strangely etc that you might want to check the timing

Offline Craig Stanley

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Re: Timing chain issues
« Reply #62 on: May 16, 2017, 11:00:06 am »
:congrats: :notworthy:

Glad you're on your way to having it sorted. Have been reading this with much interest. A definite pat on the back. I couldn't do it. You've been so messed about, but great help on hand here - some really knowledgeable people. Big respect to you all :drinking:
2nd that.

Sent from my ZTE B2017G using Tapatalk

Offline mayesj86

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Re: Timing chain issues
« Reply #63 on: May 16, 2017, 01:41:49 pm »
Very much so! There is a VCDS register in the forum. Also might be worth puting a post up on TFSI tuning on facebook if you're on there. Although, If you put it back together, drive it, and it all performs normally then you can probably rest assured that its timed correctly. Its only if it idles strangely etc that you might want to check the timing

I will have a wee look at the list of members in the area that have VCDS. I will join the Facebook group too.
I'm still worried about getting the timing bit wrong but I have followed everything to almost the letter and added so many timing marks on various bits to aid in the refit. Will have to try transfer the marks onto the new adjuster correctly tonight. New part arrived this morning cant fault VW at all. Ordered at 8.30am yesterday and had a message saying it had arrived at 8.15 this morning.
Thanks again for all the advice!!  :smiley: :happy2:

Offline mayesj86

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Re: Timing chain issues
« Reply #64 on: May 18, 2017, 09:30:36 am »
Im happy to report the car is now back together and running ok. I didn't realise how smooth and silent these engines are supposed to run the chain was a lot worse than I though it was. Even driving is so much smoother.  I must admit I've never felt nerves like that about starting a car before  :scared:  :signLOL:
All in all I'm a happy boy......until the next issue  :signLOL:

Thank you to everyone for their advice and guidance without it I would have been in real trouble. Thanks to @rich83 for the cracking chain replacement write up, without that would have been up a creek without a paddle.

Thanks again to everyone this really is the best forum and nicest knowledgeable members I have been a part of!!



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Re: Timing chain issues
« Reply #65 on: May 18, 2017, 09:37:56 am »
Glad to see you got it sorted

Offline Juliand

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Re: Timing chain issues
« Reply #66 on: May 19, 2017, 08:43:28 am »
Im happy to report the car is now back together and running ok. I didn't realise how smooth and silent these engines are supposed to run the chain was a lot worse than I though it was. Even driving is so much smoother.  I must admit I've never felt nerves like that about starting a car before  :scared:  :signLOL:
All in all I'm a happy boy......until the next issue  :signLOL:

Thank you to everyone for their advice and guidance without it I would have been in real trouble. Thanks to @rich83 for the cracking chain replacement write up, without that would have been up a creek without a paddle.

Thanks again to everyone this really is the best forum and nicest knowledgeable members I have been a part of!!


Fantastic. So, has it eliminated that nasty diesel clatter on warm tickover? Mine does have a slight tapping, but someone said that it could just be the injectors / fuel pump. My car on nearly 37,000 miles. So, interested to hear what noises you have on tickever, please.

Offline mayesj86

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Re: Timing chain issues
« Reply #67 on: May 19, 2017, 09:31:40 am »
Im happy to report the car is now back together and running ok. I didn't realise how smooth and silent these engines are supposed to run the chain was a lot worse than I though it was. Even driving is so much smoother.  I must admit I've never felt nerves like that about starting a car before  :scared:  :signLOL:
All in all I'm a happy boy......until the next issue  :signLOL:

Thank you to everyone for their advice and guidance without it I would have been in real trouble. Thanks to @rich83 for the cracking chain replacement write up, without that would have been up a creek without a paddle.

Thanks again to everyone this really is the best forum and nicest knowledgeable members I have been a part of!!


Fantastic. So, has it eliminated that nasty diesel clatter on warm tickover? Mine does have a slight tapping, but someone said that it could just be the injectors / fuel pump. My car on nearly 37,000 miles. So, interested to hear what noises you have on tickever, please.

The diesel rattle im happy to report has completely disappeared. Car runs so much smoother and quite. Now I'm just getting used to the new noises that I can hear now the diesel noise has gone....cooling fan being one  :signLOL:
The chain itself looked perfect but there was a lot of sideways movement in the roller links and the tensioner was well worn. My VVT unit was damaged by previous garages attempts at removing cam bolt and the drive gear on it was fairly worn on closer inspection. That's the really expensive part at £433  :sick:
From what I have been reading and info out there the milage doesn't seem to matter with the chain some sound like a diesel and others have nothing.
Hope that helps buddy.

Offline Juliand

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Re: Timing chain issues
« Reply #68 on: May 20, 2017, 01:01:01 pm »
Great, thanks for that.  :happy2:

Offline barelyrelevant

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Re: Timing chain issues
« Reply #69 on: May 23, 2017, 05:47:04 pm »
Just like to add my timing chain and tensioner replacement seemed to go smoothly, car feels much better now and nice not to have it sounding rough when up to temperature.