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Author Topic: Performance gain for PCV delete? - Also have engine light from intake install  (Read 1298 times)

Offline Apearcey

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Question one:

Would I see any performance gain from a PCV delete? I don't think mine actually needs changing, but the car does have 116k miles on the clock and I don't think it's ever been changed... However I do plan on going stage 3 eventually. I just want to know if it gives any performance gains and if not, how high on my priority list should it be?

Question two:

I've just installed a RAMAIR intake on my car, the check engine light has come on. Obviously this is cause it's getting more air than normal. How do I get rid of it? I have a friend clear the code with VCDS but it keeps coming back. Don't tell me I need an expensive remap just for a few woosh woosh noises from my intake... :thinking:

Offline Dan_FR

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PCV delete doesn't gain you HP... That's not why people do it

An intake won't put the light on unless you've cocked something up or broken something. Would help if your friend actually READ the code, not simply delete it... Why people think repeatedly clearing a code will fix a problem baffles me...... Try typing the code in to Google

I'd also recommend using the search facility and spending some time educating yourself as pretty much all of the 'basics' have been covered on here time and time again
TFSI... Revo Stage 2+... . WMI.... VCDS HEX + CAN, MPPS, VAG Commander & VAG tacho - South Wales

Offline harveym3

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i did mine and it seems to run a bit better . the dumpvalve was the best upgrade from a mk7 the old one was full of holes

Offline Dan_FR

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A mk7? You won't have a diverter valve from a Mk7 Golf as the Gen 3 TSI uses a totally different part....?
TFSI... Revo Stage 2+... . WMI.... VCDS HEX + CAN, MPPS, VAG Commander & VAG tacho - South Wales