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Author Topic: New head unit, no power  (Read 2097 times)

Offline romprod

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New head unit, no power
« on: May 19, 2017, 07:31:04 am »
I've just installed a Joying head unit into my 54 plate golf, powered up and everything went well. I had it all connected while holding it outside of the dash trim.

Tested it all worked fine, powering down when ignition off etc. Worked a dream!

Turned the engine off, key out and went inside for a brew for an hour and to grab some dinner.

Came back out to push the unit and cables back in carefully, got everything in place and before screwing the unit back in I tried turning it all back on with the ignition.

Now the unit won't power up when it's plugged into the car and neither will the old standard VW head unit.

I've checked fuse 8 under the bonnet and that looks fine, I've swapped with another fuse of the same rating and I get the same fault.

I have been able to power up the new Joying head unit in the house with a PC power supply fine, rebooted it etc etc

So I've been able to prove the new Joying head unit works.

Where do I go from here?

Have I damaged the canbus? would that cause both the original unit and the new Joying head unit to not turn on, when it did previously?

Or have I missed an extra fuse somewhere else which is causing it to not turn on? I've checked fuse 8

I'm going to grab a multi-meter and a bunch of fuses today from Halfrauds and give it a quick going over.

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Re: New head unit, no power
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2017, 04:55:33 am »
In the end it was fuse 17!

Which according to the car manual which came with the car was the front washer wiper....

This is correct

The book that came with my car says GTi on the front, and it's a GT TDI. Was it replaced with the wrong book?