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Author Topic: ESP Light On fault - anyone have a VAGCOM in Berkshire?  (Read 840 times)


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ESP Light On fault - anyone have a VAGCOM in Berkshire?
« on: May 28, 2017, 10:37:13 am »
Hi Guys,

Used forum a  few times but this is my first post. I have just had the ESP OFF light come on my 2004 TDI 1.9 with the traction light on the dash (Not the ABS light though), so I think it could be the the common 'G201' fault.

Does anyone near Reading have a vag reader to confirm whether that is the fault for a few squid - then I can take it to garage to get the repair kit knowing what is wrong (Any recomondations of decent VAG garages in/near Reading would be great too!).

Also, still safe to drive as I have wedding in Essex tomorrow!?  :scared:
