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Author Topic: Mfd2 query  (Read 1916 times)

Offline TheZeev

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Mfd2 query
« on: July 01, 2017, 01:13:51 pm »
Took a punt at one of these Bluetooth module adaptors for music streaming.
Works perfectly with my MFD2, result!
For a few quid you can't go wrong
Connects via the AUX port on the back of MFD2, better yet I kept my stereo AUX connection too, so can play music with AUX wire too if needed

How does this differ to the cheap bluetooth fm transmitters you can get? Wouldn't mind adding bluetooth streaming to my setup
From past experience, those fm transmitters are sh*te. The radio signal/station it taps into has to have a clear signal. If you go into an area where the signal is crap then you'll hear that annoying fuzzy noise. Don't know if they've been improved somehow but didn't wanna go down that route.

This is on the back hidden away so cleaner install. No irritating interference. Powers on and off with stereo. Works for me

thanks, might have to get one then. Where did you buy it from, eBay?
Yep "mfd2 bluetooth"
I read this posting with great interest.
I also have the MFD2 unit and this sounds ideal for adding a bluetooth to my Android phone for streaming.
I'm a complete novice with regards car electrics.
Any chance of a run down of the steps involved?
I can work out where the 12 pin connector plugs in but what do you do with the red and black wires?
Is it best to disconnect the battery before you start?
I take it I will need to know the radio code if the battery gets disconnected?
I originally posted this as a reply to a post but thought I might be more likely to get a reply here


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Re: Mfd2 query
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2017, 03:03:01 pm »
Black is earth, red is 12V.
It's good practice to disconnect battery when doing electrics.
I've never needed the code when I've disconnected battery ever as I think it's stored on the Ecu or cluster, but you never know, better to be prepared with the code in case

Offline TheZeev

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Re: Mfd2 query
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2017, 06:40:31 pm »
Thanks MIJ_Jagger.
I've been doing more searching and reading on the forum.
Did you take the 12v supply from a switched live fuse from the fuse box and does this prevent any battery drain issues?
A Google image search shows a couple of different ways of connecting a wire to the fuse box: some shoe a wire possibly with a clip on the end goicng directly into the front of a spare fuse slot while another shows a fuse carrier spliced into the path from the fuse box to the adapter.
Can the live wire go straight into the fuse slot with the fuse removed without any problems?
Thanks again, in advance.


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Re: Mfd2 query
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2017, 10:05:54 pm »
I asked an audio installer friend where to get the 12V from and he showed me a wire to connect it to. I'm afraid I couldn't tell you which one it was mate, I can't remember sorry
I'm sure someone will be along to help