
I've never really joined any forums before- this is my first one and I'm after a bit of advice please. I have an edition30, brought it about 18months ago and I love it! I haven't had any real problems with it until now- but since we have had all this hot weather I've noticed the engine has been making a squealing noise and when I pop the hood I can hear air leaking out- I believe its the crankcase/ PCV but this is just from doing a bit of research on the net- I'm not that clued up on cars. There is a test I can do by removing the dipstick but Sod's law my car isn't making the noise anymore!
Im going to buy the part anyway but wasn't sure if its the same part for the ed30? From looking at a few forums it looks like I need part
06F129101R is this correct? I have a friend who is going to help me replace it.
B x