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Author Topic: Best oil for stage 1 ed30  (Read 8696 times)

Offline pudding

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Re: Best oil for stage 1 ed30
« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2017, 10:20:22 am »
^^^ This, why people scrimp on oil is puzzling to me.  :doh:

How is it scrimping? I still buy decent brand oil. It's not like I go down the local asda and buy the bog standard asda own brand oil.

That would probably be fine to be honest!

People tend to have a favourite brand of everything and stick to it.  I tend to try a lot of things and stay with what works best.  Tried all the usual oils and for my engine, Mobil 1 0W40 is best.  It cured a 2 second startup rattle, it runs smoothest on it (not that oil has a huge influence on mechanical smoothness) and it burns off the slowest.  And it's £30 if bought in bulk on an Opie oils deal.

Friday oil fact - The official Veyron/Chiron oil is Castrol Edge FST Titanium 10W60.  Probably a good one to use in the TFSI if it's good enough for a beastly quad turbo W16!

2007 ED30 | 2009 TDI 140 | 2016 BMW 330D

Offline Craig Stanley

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Re: Best oil for stage 1 ed30
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2017, 11:08:38 am »
What's the best chipping potatoes to go with my steak?
Anyone know the part number for the 454g Ribeye from Tesco?
What's the best oil to fry the chips in?

Some people might be too young to remember, but back in the olden days, I used to have to go to a building called a 'Library' if I wanted to research something.  These days, I use a thing called 'Google', or maybe even a thing called 'Search' at the top right of the forum if I'm feeling lucky.  No, that's clearly too much like hard work isn't it?  It's better to ask a question that's been answered a eleven billionty times already.

And what do the answers even mean anyway?  Who's to say one oil is better than the next?  None of us are automotive chemical and lubrication engineers.  If 10 of us said Lard is the best lubrication to use, everyone would be like "Wow, where I can I get me some Lard?".  If 1 person says Millers. "Nah, gotta be sh*t that, no one uses it".

Oil is oil.  Does your engine care what oil is in it? No it doesn't.  All it cares about is there some in there.  Buy anything that is VW502/505 rated. The end.
Lmfao. 2nd all that bud. Love a rant.

Sent from my ZTE B2017G using Tapatalk

Offline pudding

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Re: Best oil for stage 1 ed30
« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2017, 11:54:32 am »
What's the best chipping potatoes to go with my steak?
Anyone know the part number for the 454g Ribeye from Tesco?
What's the best oil to fry the chips in?

Some people might be too young to remember, but back in the olden days, I used to have to go to a building called a 'Library' if I wanted to research something.  These days, I use a thing called 'Google', or maybe even a thing called 'Search' at the top right of the forum if I'm feeling lucky.  No, that's clearly too much like hard work isn't it?  It's better to ask a question that's been answered a eleven billionty times already.

And what do the answers even mean anyway?  Who's to say one oil is better than the next?  None of us are automotive chemical and lubrication engineers.  If 10 of us said Lard is the best lubrication to use, everyone would be like "Wow, where I can I get me some Lard?".  If 1 person says Millers. "Nah, gotta be sh*t that, no one uses it".

Oil is oil.  Does your engine care what oil is in it? No it doesn't.  All it cares about is there some in there.  Buy anything that is VW502/505 rated. The end.
Lmfao. 2nd all that bud. Love a rant.

Sent from my ZTE B2017G using Tapatalk

It's Meldrew Friday  :happy2:

Someone has asked about oil again....

2007 ED30 | 2009 TDI 140 | 2016 BMW 330D

Offline Timsrs

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Re: Best oil for stage 1 ed30
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2017, 12:03:08 pm »
If nobody asks then there's no searches
And no furum END.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2017, 12:22:53 pm by Timsrs »

Offline fab5freddy

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Re: Best oil for stage 1 ed30
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2017, 12:18:40 pm »
If nobody asks there there's no searches
And no furum END.

Exactly, you ask for opinions and opinions is what you'll get, right, wrong of indifferent.

Most of us spend thousands on our motors, my opinion, buy the best oil you can

Offline Timsrs

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Re: Best oil for stage 1 ed30
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2017, 12:25:20 pm »
Many thanks
It's more the viscosity but most say run a 5W40

Offline pudding

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Re: Best oil for stage 1 ed30
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2017, 02:45:25 pm »
5w30 for variable servicing, or 5w40 for fixed servicing.  That's from VW themselves.

If your engine is burning oil, definitely go with 5w or 0w40, and maybe try a 5w50 if you can get hold of it.  Mobil 1 do one.

10w is also OK, but you might get a few seconds of tappet rattling on cold winter starts.  Fuchs Silkolene 10w50 is a superb oil.

Just gauge it by what the engine demands.  If it doesn't use any 5w30, then there's no reason to move from that.  There is no right or wrong answer.

2007 ED30 | 2009 TDI 140 | 2016 BMW 330D

Offline wrlcs

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Re: Best oil for stage 1 ed30
« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2017, 03:45:27 pm »
I had a main vw dealer service at the end of Jan and a Revo  remap in early Feb.  After the remap I was using 0.5l of oil a week which is about 250miles for me. . I changed to Fuchs titan pro race S 10w 40 at the beginning of March and haven't used any since.

Offline grey golfster

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Re: Best oil for stage 1 ed30
« Reply #23 on: June 11, 2017, 06:56:20 pm »

Friday oil fact - The official Veyron/Chiron oil is Castrol Edge FST Titanium 10W60.  Probably a good one to use in the TFSI if it's good enough for a beastly quad turbo W16!

Does the above logic mean that the oil I use in my 2500HP Caterpillar V16  genesets (a Castrol semi syth straight 40) is even betterer?   :thinking:
Added bonus is that as I  get it delivered 30 tonne at a time, and top up at about 200L/ week, so any occasional 5L "liberated" for my gti would effective!y be "free", or at least invisible! :signLOL:


Same reason why I don't use Millers ludicrously priced race oil in my road car!  :stupid: