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Briskoda RR day @ JKM - Sat 20th Feb

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Phil Mcavity:

--- Quote from: Hedge on February 16, 2010, 06:30:02 pm ---He's added as are you all.  :wink:

Sainsburys to JKM is 1/2 hour if you walk it Robin.  :P

--- End quote ---
Takes him that long Ian, to 1st put on his driving glasses,then check his tyre pressures on his fancy digital thingy, then go through his lift over sequence, then have a fight with his sat nav, then EVENTUALLY get moving in the wrong direction  :signLOL:

20 minutes if your not tanking it like some people down the A roads  :wink:

Ah. I misread. I thought you were going to the Sainsburys at J12 M27.

Still applies though.  :P


--- Quote from: Phil Mcavity on February 16, 2010, 05:25:57 pm ---
See you 8am ish then. Sainsburys have a cafe so from 7.45 ill be there for Black pudding :laugh:

--- End quote ---

....I didn't know that!  :party: Then I'll join you at 7:45am too  :party:


--- Quote from: Phil Mcavity on February 16, 2010, 06:36:50 pm ---
Takes him that long Ian, to 1st put on his driving glasses,then check his tyre pressures on his fancy digital thingy, then go through his lift over sequence, then have a fight with his sat nav, then EVENTUALLY get moving in the wrong direction  :signLOL:

--- End quote ---

....How do you know that!?

Oh yes, you've travelled in my passenger seat.

Phil Mcavity:
lol but who was it that sent you one juntion too many at the roundabout in Brum?? lol  :ashamed:


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