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Briskoda RR day @ JKM - Sat 20th Feb

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See you chaps in the morning bright and early.  :laugh:  mmmmmmmmmmmmmm pancakes and syrup  :grin: :grin:

This is the proposed running order.
1. Jonny5ive - fettled Fabia vRS
2. Karaibrahim - LHD Fabia vRS (remapped)
3. TeflonTom - Felicia Pickup 1.4-16v
4. dvere - Roomster 1.9TDi Scout
5. Chris Ellis - Yellar MKII Octavia
6. Moox - Octavia 2 vRS Revo Stage 1 + EVOMS
7. Bowders1 - Octavia VRS (yet another slightly tweeked one)
8. Trevorb33 - Octavia L&K
9. Muckipup - MkII Octavia vRS (and another slightly tweeked one)
10. Shark_90 - Mk2 Octavia vRS
11. vRSCarl - MKII Octavia vRS - Totally Standard….ish
12. vRS Mutley - MK1 Octavia vRS
13. Mike - Skoda Octavia TDi (remaped)
14. Jimbo - Brand spanking new facelift Octavia
15. FavoritKen - Octavia TDI 110bhp+?
16. Hedge - Golf ED30
17. Robin - Mk5 Golf GTI
18. Phil Mcavity - Mk5 Golf Ed30
19. Thor - Mk5 Golf Ed30

Gillm - Mk5 Golf GTI
DomT - Golf Ed30

Yes Thor I know and have mentioned you wanted to be away early but even saying that I think we will be done by 1:00ish.  :happy2:

No worries Hedge  :wink:

Been managing the good ladies expectations for my return time all week, got plenty of slack now. :laugh:

There's normally a bit of room for negotiation regarding the runners.  :wink:

Phil Mcavity:
Well, yet another enjoyable day. Managed to see a nice improvement to Phylis's performance. Horsepower up to 285bhp with peak torque at 305lb ft at 3700rpm.
Great to see everyone, DomT, Hedge, RedRobin, Chris (Thor), and a few other familiar faces.

Got a comparison graph for Torque only from my previous run with just the cat back illistrated by the Red line, and the Blueline for the Downpipe and cat installed.

@ chris. Hope you enjoyed your little trip out in Phylis.  :evilgrin:


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