This spring, the front passenger door of my 2007 GTI stopped locking. Thanks to multiple in-depth guides, I was able to find and replace the door lock module/actuator yesterday afternoon. However, "Installation is the reverse of removal" was NOT as true or simple as classic Haynes Manual-speak.
Here is a picture of the handle afterwards

see if not working
1) Currently, the biggest problem is that I'm unable to remove the locking tumbler/barrel after loosening the T20 torx screw behind the grey sticker. I did NOT loosen the screw to the point of falling out. While loosening it as much as I reasonably can, though, the barrel just won't budge at all (see marks from attempts to pry it out). Any idea why?
This thread on page 3 (,52585.30.html) shows a similar problem by mattp244, but the solution was not shared online and the thread has been dormant for a while.
2) Any idea how to remove the slack on the door handle? The OP wrote, "When screwing in the T20 screw through the hole, as you do it, it will probably bang. This is the mechanism taking up the slack on the cable and is normal." I didn't hear any noise when tightening the T20.
I'm also wondering if I should have attached the small black clip at the end of the cable to a groove closer to the outside of the handle. Does that increase the pressure on the handle? Both the lock actuator that came with the car and the one I'm replacing it with are third party locks.