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Author Topic: Cam chain timing belt removal  (Read 1008 times)


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Cam chain timing belt removal
« on: June 21, 2017, 09:49:09 pm »
Hi first time posting on here hoping someone can help me out. I bought a mk5 GTi 07 3 weeks ago and have noticed that after reading here the car seems to have this cam chain issue. Sounds like a rough diesel with a heavy clicking noise on the left hand side. The dealer has agreed to change it under warranty for me which is a load off my chest to say the least lol. However they rang back and asked had the timing belt been changed and I said yes it was done last year according to the service records and they said good because we need to remove the timing belt to change the cam chain. After plenty of research online and watching YouTube videos I have gathered that this doesn't seem correct lol. My question is basically is there any reason they have asked or would need to do this? And is it possible that there is another chain somewhere near the timing belt in the engine that they have got confused with? Just need to know so I can get back to the dealer so me and him are on the same page lol. Any help is greatly appreciated thanks


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Re: Cam chain timing belt removal
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2017, 09:30:37 am »
Definitely worth querying that with them. The chain is on the opposite side of the block to the belt (and theres only one chain). Would be worth you checking with them that they are replacing what you think they should be replacing.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2017, 11:15:19 am by Justinio »

Offline mayesj86

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Re: Cam chain timing belt removal
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2017, 10:55:20 am »
Hi first time posting on here hoping someone can help me out. I bought a mk5 GTi 07 3 weeks ago and have noticed that after reading here the car seems to have this cam chain issue. Sounds like a rough diesel with a heavy clicking noise on the left hand side. The dealer has agreed to change it under warranty for me which is a load off my chest to say the least lol. However they rang back and asked had the timing belt been changed and I said yes it was done last year according to the service records and they said good because we need to remove the timing belt to change the cam chain. After plenty of research online and watching YouTube videos I have gathered that this doesn't seem correct lol. My question is basically is there any reason they have asked or would need to do this? And is it possible that there is another chain somewhere near the timing belt in the engine that they have got confused with? Just need to know so I can get back to the dealer so me and him are on the same page lol. Any help is greatly appreciated thanks

The belt doesn't need removing or touched to do the cam chain.,106158.0.html  is the how to guide to replacing the chain. Works a treat I used it myself a while ago.


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Re: Cam chain timing belt removal
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2017, 12:11:36 pm »
Yeah I didn't think the timing belt would have to be removed. Which has made me not too confident in them doing the job lol. However he said he was sending it to volkswagen and it was them who asked. Not sure for the reason they asked this I'll have to show the dealer that guide on Monday when I've to leave it off for the work to be done. He's probably got his wires crossed along the line somewhere