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Author Topic: Thinking of buying a MK5 GTI as my daily.  (Read 5752 times)

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Re: Thinking of buying a MK5 GTI as my daily.
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2017, 02:42:46 pm »
Lol I don't know how some of you only get 18 mpg out of your GTi's ... you must be permanently booting it everywhere.

I'm in constant stop / start traffic 5x a week for week on the M5 and M6, still put my foot down a lot in between traffic jams and round A / B roads when I have clear road, and still manage to average 24mpg roughly every week.

Lowest I got it down to was 20mpg and I was practically racing everywhere for a week.

It's Impossible unless people have a shagged injector stuck open, or a dead O2 sensor etc.   

The problem with these quoted mpgs is they are short term averages, not the more meaningful long term averages.  And not usually much context provided.

My Stage 1 ED30 has averaged 28mpg over the past 2 years (30K miles). 

It's used every day for a 30 mile round trip commute, and for weekend social trips.  Weekly fuel intake varies from £55-£70 depending on how many races I get into on the dual carriageway section of my commute, and how much it's used over the weekends.

My average dual carriageway cruise speed is 90mph, I regularly boost it hard on the country lane section of my commute, and never stick to any speed limits unless it's unavoidable. It sits in heavy traffic for 15-20 mins after leaving work.

I flit between V Power and Tesco 99 and don't see an mpg difference at all.  No difference in performance either.  These days I'm finding myself using Tesco more as it's over 20p a litre cheaper than V Power where I live.  I'm not a thrifty person, but that price difference does add up when used regularly.  V Power is a waste if just sat in traffic most of the week.

You guys have no idea of bad mpg until you've owned an old 525i auto estate  :grin:   That thing used to scoff £100 in fuel every week, and was gutless too.  So 28mpg overall for a 300hp hot hatch is pretty remarkable imo.

2007 ED30 | 2009 TDI 140 | 2016 BMW 330D