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Author Topic: MFSW Steering buttons programming query  (Read 3235 times)

Offline Golfmk5GTD

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MFSW Steering buttons programming query
« on: June 27, 2017, 10:57:50 pm »
Hello people, I hope all is well.

So as mentioned in my build thread I managed to recently upgrade my steering wheel to a MFSW with controls.

In order to get the steering controls working with my Pioneer deck I had to install a connects 2 steering adapter. The illumination cable was also wired correctly with this loom as my car stereo dimmer would initiate with the headlights which was a nice touch.

This went smooth as I managed to get the volume buttons working however as per below image I have the newer style buttons. Unfortunately this means the button on the right are for the high line display only  :sad1:

From your experience is there anyway using Vagcom the buttons on the right of the wheel can be coded to work with the car stereo instead? This would save me the hassle of having to find and install the older style steering wheel buttons.

If you need any more info about the steering wheel controls and what they do please see

All credit to

I would greatly appreciate any help.

« Last Edit: June 29, 2017, 09:19:49 pm by Golfmk5GTD »