It sounds to me Ben that your heart says go for the GTI but Captain Sensible is shouting at you but not loudly enough, so you're asking us to tell you you're nuts and to dissuade you.
Slightly different but with some similarity: After test driving a grey Mk5 2.0 TDI and a red Mk5 GTI I listened to Captain Sensible and ordered the TDI. It's a great car, quite fast, and made sound financial sense etc. However, I woke up screaming in the night and phoned the next morning to change my order.
Test drive and..

Cheers fella your more or less spot on with that

Well after having a conversation with the dealer i got my car from funnily enough they rang me to offer me a mk6 gti how strange is that ive decided to keep my current car until the ED35 is out as the salesman i spoke too knew of the car i was looking at and told me what the previous owner was like plus a few other thoughts have helped me.
A) I know the history of my car and its piece of mind that know how its been driven.
B) Yes its more expensive than the Gti but then again its worth more and im more than comfortable paying what i am now.
C) I dont know how to explain C really just i went out back and looked at my car and i knew if i changed it i would be gutted.
So I am now looking on the net to see what else i can do to my Derv to help keep me satified until i get my hands on ED35.
Thanks to all for the input.