Got the repairs carried out in the end. The exhaust camshaft also had to come out

as it was well and truly stuck in there! Destroying two lots of removal tools in the process, it was also slightly worn anyway so needed to go. So now we have a new chain, tensioner, inlet and exhaust camshaft, cambelt and tensioner! I have a lovely bag of parts as a souvenir. Luckliy the new cam follower barely had any additional wear and the chain tensioner was in good condition. Yes its a hefty bill but I wanted to keep this car going - especially given that its a nice example.
Theres a few things i wanted to clear up to avoid this happening again. Will i need to break it in for a coupe of days - since its been done ive been taking it easy.
How often will the cam follower need to be checked and changed. Ive seen conflicting information with some people saying leave it well alone until about 80k-100k miles as its not supposed to be pulled around too often. Some say it should be done with every service and that it should be inspected every now and again.
Should I feel any major performance increase or reduced fuel consumption? It feels about the same to drive albeit with a bit more shove higher in the rev range, fuel consumption is slightly better.
Here are some photos of all the old parts.