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dB rating of Miltek Resonated vs NonResonated?

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Does anyone know the difference in dB ratings?

Full system, just res compared to non res

Phil Mcavity:
 :signLOL:, now wheres my db meter gone :smiley:

what difference are you looking for?? what comes out the rear or cabin noise difference?

What comes out the rear....

ie I have a track day booked, but there's a fairly tight noise limit and I need to know whether to swap centre sections before or after track day.

I recently did Donnington with no issues with theirs set at 98db. Non-res milltek and there were plenty louder than mine.

Bedford operate a 1 strike and you're out, so I need to be sure...

Noise limit: drive by - 101 DB static & Drive By - 87dB at 20m


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