Ok, so I have upgraded to a Kenwood DNX525DAB and as far as I was aware, the Nav directions were supposed to show up on the highline display like my MFD2. They don't. Also it only says "ACTIVE" when you select Audio and doesn't show any other info.
Also, I hadn't driven the car for about 2 days and when I tried to start the car, it was lazy, indicating a low battery. I'm assuming since these are VW approved radios, they use the same Can-Bus functions as the RNS-510 and as such it's causing the same issue, i.e., battery drain.
As we all know, this is usually fixed by upgrading the Can gateway and with that, should (hopefully) give me my Nav instructions back on the highline screen. My question is which gateway do I need?
I've read that I need to change like for like apart from the revision letter at the end and that "L" is a minimum.
I've had a look online at a VW parts system, (I work in an aftermarket parts suppliers) and its giving me a part number of : 7N0907530BH - Diagnosis interface for data bus (Gateway), am I looking at the correct part?
Thanks for any help.