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TyrolSport rear turret brace (Stage 2 version)

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--- Quote from: grey golfster on July 16, 2017, 11:23:02 am ---Catch: Yes, the rear seat securing catch bales appear to be what is providing the "added stiffness" for the diagonal. It will interesting to see if these relatively flimsy attachments distort when loaded in this plane. The video instructions seem to stress not to overtighten during installation I suspect, because you will be able to tear the catch bales off the shell fairly easily?

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Exactly. Don't over tighten it and actually risk it being functional as you'll likely shear the mounting point as they were not designed this kind of lateral load.

Not convinced at all


--- Quote from: Dan_FR on July 17, 2017, 10:16:12 am ---
--- Quote from: grey golfster on July 16, 2017, 11:23:02 am ---Catch: Yes, the rear seat securing catch bales appear to be what is providing the "added stiffness" for the diagonal. It will interesting to see if these relatively flimsy attachments distort when loaded in this plane. The video instructions seem to stress not to overtighten during installation I suspect, because you will be able to tear the catch bales off the shell fairly easily?

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Exactly. Don't over tighten it and actually risk it being functional as you'll likely shear the mounting point as they were not designed this kind of lateral load.

Not convinced at all

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Would it not be more a case of by leaving some flexibility it actually makes it stronger such as the way buildings are designed for earthquakes. Also realistically the strut won't be taking a lot of load since car is designed to take them already, so it's essentially just adding reinforcing the structure to help lower the amount of flex. If they were over tightened they would be pretty much pushing out the catches, anything over tightened becomes weaker essentially.

grey golfster:
I think Dan has got me....

My bad, sorry for not being clearer.

Bale..I mean the staple/loop /hoop hing that the seats latch on to. That flimsy bit of bent rod, that's probably spotted to the shell!

And as for the rear seats "adding stiffness"!?!   :stupid:  :signLOL:


--- Quote from: grey golfster on July 17, 2017, 11:07:45 am ---I think Dan has got me....

My bad, sorry for not being clearer.

Bale..I mean the staple/loop /hoop hing that the seats latch on to. That flimsy bit of bent rod, that's probably spotted to the shell!

And as for the rear seats "adding stiffness"!?!   :stupid:  :signLOL:

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The shell's made up of spotwelds, stronger than you'd think, generally a weld is considered to be equal in strength of the surrounding (parent) material if welded correctly :wink: and indeed get a coat hanger and bend it round a block and hit it, it'll be less likely to move or bend.

Look at those back braces people lifting stuff wear it's just cloth but protects people and allows them to lift heavier.  :thinking:

Those hoops for the seat catches are a lot stronger than they look  :smiley:   I'm no automotive engineer, but I imagine they have to be strong enough to keep the seats locked in place during an impact, especially in a car with child seat fixings?
If I'm understanding the comments correctly, are we saying there's a risk the hoops could shear off under cornering loads?  I would be very surprised if that happened!

Anyway, time will tell I guess.  I totally get the skeptism, but for me as a hobbyist, I like playing around with stuff, whether it works or not, and whether it's good value for money or not  :smiley:  We all have guilty pleasures.  Mine is cars, which unfortunately costs a f'ck ton of money which ever way you cut it.


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