I know some of you will have experience of this so appreciate any advice as obviously it's a substantial and important life subject

If, to say hypothetically as first time buyers currently looking for first property, that I had a joint mortgage with the girlfriend and in a years’ time the girlfriend decides to go back to further education (Full time Uni) to advance her career with qualifications on say a 3 year course, with student loan etc., and we're
say 9 months into our mortgage repayments- what are the direct implications of that for us from the lender?
Of course we'd tell the bank/building society because the initial lending is based on our full time net incomes at the moment, as well as not to risk concealing crucial information that could risk mortgage fraud.
I appreciate there's likely to be one but what would be the immediate impact, given that because it's not a known entity or decision that so far we've both submitted that we don't have student loans (both having neither been to university to date) and while the repayments are made won't have one either, given the original 'student-free' circumstances at the time of taking out the mortgage?
Presumably an interest & capital Joint-mortgage won't stop people advancing their careers or gaining further qualifications and where income drops, keen to be in the know on what the 'done-thing' is, here.