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Author Topic: Driver's seat jolts under heavy accelleration  (Read 921 times)

Offline thenorthster

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Driver's seat jolts under heavy accelleration
« on: July 02, 2017, 09:59:58 pm »
As mentioned elsewhere, I've just bought an Mk5 GTi, 100k miles on the clock, 3 door. Interior is black leather. When I accelerate rapidly, the driver's seat jolts backwards slightly. It's not far enough to be dangerous, just annoying.

Has anyone else come across this one? It's similar but not identical to other posts on the forums. Is it worth getting under there with a spanner and tightening up everything I can, or am I looking at replacement rails or other parts?
2005 Mk5, 3 door, tornado red (naturally)

Offline thenorthster

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Re: Driver's seat jolts under heavy accelleration
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2017, 08:14:18 pm »
Solved! The bolts holding the seat to the floor, especially at the front, were loose.

Spline bit set from Halfords (you need the M10 spline), torque wrench from Screwfix - about £40 the pair.

Slide the seat all the way back, tighten front bolts.

Slide it all the way forward, tighten back bolts.

The Haynes Manual for the Mk5 doesn't give a torque setting for the seat bolts, but elsewhere on the internet suggested 40Nm, which didn't seem crazy.

Worked even better than I expected, no sign of jolting or rattling now  :smiley:
« Last Edit: July 23, 2017, 08:21:01 pm by thenorthster »
2005 Mk5, 3 door, tornado red (naturally)