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VWR Intake disappointing

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Just got this delivered for my ed30 thought I'd have a peek in the box to find this

£440 and you have to cut holes in it for the dv pipe. Not impressed

Ridiculous pricing for a bit of alloy cr** and worst still you have to mod it  :signLOL: send it back  :sick:

Better the ramair  :happy2:

Nothing wrong with those fittings, I used them years ago to good effect when a pipe wasn't available off the shelf.   They are supplied to VWR from here I suspect -

Whether or not you should have to do that to a £440 intake....hmmmm.... personally I feel it is a bit of a hack job, but I understand why from a business sense they did it that way.  It's cheaper to make a generic turbo inlet hose for the K03, and then just bung a fitting in the box for a KO4 people.  It does the job though, so no harm done really, just not 'premium' as VWR make themselves out to be.

That's the least of your worries.   Issue no.2 is the fact it can snap off the coolant elbow just by the engine cover, and issue no.3 is there is no fricking flex coupling to soak up engine movement.  What is it with intake makers and overlooking that most obvious of obvious requirements??! :stupid:

Still, I was about to buy one of these and address these issues myself, because aside from those issues, it is a good intake.  Obviously a resprayed ITG kit, but very good none the less.

If you stick with it, let me know what it's like from a noise/performance perspective.

If you're thinking of offering VWR some feedback, don't bother.  You won't get a response or even 1 sh*t given. 

I have one and I love it - fitted on a k03.

Granted the design is flawed - make sure it dosnt knock out a coolant pipe.

Then again I only paid £200 for it  :smiley:

Dave J:
A very timely post - have been very happy with mine until now...,86480.msg1090741.html#msg1090741

Great intake for subtle sounds - think it needs waaay more modding to surrounding coolant pipes, etc than VWR give care to even mention. It really just needs a smaller filter box that doesn't rub on everything. Whether I will live with mine in future depends on Tuesday's inspection as to whether the lines around the kit can be suitably reworked.
Mine has been on the car since last September until causing problems of this week...


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