If the canister needs a dent in it then that should have been done at factory as a design not a flaw for that kind of money don't you think?.
Just saying 
Exactly..... it's what I was saying further back. It was designed in a hurry to get it out to market as quickly as possible to maximize profit. There are only so many MK5s they can sell this kit for, so the quicker they get them out of the door before people notice the flaws, the better.
Racingline constantly bang on about their methodical, extensive R&D and OEM quality approach to their products..... but the reality is they just rebadge existing products. Like my street dampers for example, they started life orange and RL sprayed them black. And with this air filter, they took ITG's kit made for racing (hence no real concern about fouling other parts) and just anodized the canister and pretty much changed nothing else....and added a massive tax to it. Their "R&D" clearly missed the fact it snaps off the coolant feed to the turbo.....so not important then, really

Sorry, not trying to offend any VWR owners...... this kind of thing just really bugs me because I can't believe such stupidity exists when £450 is changing hands.