Have avoided the AA like the plague for many years now. They're owned by a bunch of venture capitalist shysters nowadays I believe?
Overpriced, and poor service too.
Have also experienced the requirement to get the job scoped by a patrol mech tech before any chance of a tow or recovery. Recovery then offloaded and re-loaded the car on to a fresh recovery wagon at the boundary of "his patch" . A 5 hour drive turned into a 14 hr recovery!
A fella in our village was an AA recovery driver; no mechanical knowledge/experience at all (think he was a welder/plater originally?) Thick as pig sh1t , and rude with it too.... thankfully never had him turn out for us!
I have consequently used Auto Aid for several years. It's pay and c!aim basis (essentially a machinery breakdown policy) which will not suit some, but they have never let me or the family down. Price this year about £50 for self and wife, any car, and any age of car (important as we have several cars, and we run a 20 yo cabby for the summer, which AA etc wil not touch!).
I think EU cover is extra, not sure as I tend to rent locally, and have not taken my car abroad for years.
Auto Aid was recommended by Martin Lewis MSE many years ago.
I have no connx, no commission etc.....
Customer Services:
0345 241 1359
AutoAid, St James House,
27-43 Eastern Road, Romford, Essex, RM1 3NH