@Molesy how's the new suspension set up going? Any advice for someone considering similar work in the future?
@f00glee its going great, no issues to report so far and the vibration I had from the Dog Bone Insert has completely gone now so happy days. I only really noticed the suspension can be harsh on a recent trip into London so if you live somewhere with very poor road surface and millions of road humps I would give it some thought before going ahead, saying that I would still of done it either way 
What are you looking to do yourself?
Hey, thanks for the feedback! Right this instant I'm not intending to do anything. But I like to have a plan of action for the future. Soon as something happens e.g. broken spring(s) or shot dampers (or the suspension performance deteriorates in general to a point which sufficiently annoys me), rather than replacing parts piecemeal and dealing with brand new components working with 10+ year old ones ill probably just go mad and refresh everything as you have done.
When I do get to that point it'll likely be the same as you'e gone for, maybe with some different brands of shock/spring/ALK depending on price and reviews at the time. It just nice to have a list of the components, nuts and bolts required. And good to hear that all the money and effort has yielded a real improvement