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Fusso Soft99 wax problem
Perfect thanks so much for the info, I'll try one of the hologram/swirl removers mentioned above. I'll probably skip the fast gloss from now on. Only used it once before but that was when I bought the car and it definitely needed it.
The RO150 is a da not a rotary btw.
--- Quote from: Mark_DF05 on August 05, 2017, 10:52:48 am ---Perfect thanks so much for the info, I'll try one of the hologram/swirl removers mentioned above. I'll probably skip the fast gloss from now on. Only used it once before but that was when I bought the car and it definitely needed it.
The RO150 is a da not a rotary btw.
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Anytime, and I highly recommend Koch Chemie for the mk5 paint adds a lot of depth and gloss to the paint (it's made for approved for use by Mercedes) and my mistake just looked at it quickly and saw rotary lol.
Cheers, I'll have a look online for some of that Koch stuff then
--- Quote from: Mark_DF05 on August 05, 2017, 05:53:50 pm ---Cheers, I'll have a look online for some of that Koch stuff then
--- End quote ---
Careful make sure you type Chemie you might end up on some dodgy websites :signLOL:
Less is more!
I find this problem with sealents. Reeeeallly light coat, let it dry and apply another light coat on top, wait to cure and buff. Try using a short pile polish soft MF cloth to remove product. AutoGlym sell such a cloth.
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