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Author Topic: Passenger Seat Fire Extinguisher Kit  (Read 997 times)


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Passenger Seat Fire Extinguisher Kit
« on: August 06, 2017, 04:33:33 pm »
Thought I'd whack up the part numbers for anyone interested in adding an OEM mount + Fire Extinguisher to their passenger seat.

Part numbers;

Retaining Bracket
1k0 881 286 A

Pop Rivets x 3
N 908 123 01

Fire Extinguisher Bracket
1K0 882 607 A

Socket head bolt with inner multipoint head x 2
N 908 973 01

Fire Extinguisher
1JM 860 277 G

And that's all that's required.

To install;

Unbolt the passenger seat and tilt to allow yourself more work room

Step 1) Unbolt the seat to give yourself more access round.

Step 2) Put the retaining bracket up to three holes (sorry photobucket has destroyed the previous photos so I can't show them, they'll be in the middle a bit of common sense will tell you with ones)

Step 3) You can either put the pop rivets in or test fit it by putting some pins in to hold it in place while you get an idea for the rest of the install.

Step 4) Take your socket head bolt with inner multi-head and place it through the fire extinguisher bracket and connect to the retaining bracket.

Step 5) Place the fire extinguisher in the bracket and tilt seat up to see how it will fit, if happy remove fire extinguisher and bolt down seat again.

Final step) Put fire extinguisher back in and put on your Fireman helmet.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2017, 04:38:54 pm by willni »