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Author Topic: How much better is the MK6 than MK5? What to upgrade to...  (Read 1219 times)

Offline jb111s

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How much better is the MK6 than MK5? What to upgrade to...
« on: August 15, 2017, 11:07:15 am »
Had my MK5 GTI for 7 months now and love it. Spent an absolute fortune on the damn thing although only bought it as an interim car whilst I spent more money doing up my house. As such, it's perfect right now (new wheels, tyres, brakes, aircon, chain, follower - the lot!).

Now thinking about upgrading as I'm bored and need something to aim for. Ideally, I'll hold out for a year or two and get myself a MK7. Hoping to spend upto £14k & reckon MK7 GTis will be at this price point hopefully mid next year as the market gets flooded with lease returns.

However, I'm not sure what to think about a MK6 upgrade? Still looks quite modern, although I'd want 2010 onwards with LED rear lights etc. Is it that much of a big step up from the MK5?

I'd hope a 2010 year MK6 would be around the 10k mark next year, but then is it worth spending 6-7k upgrading my MK5 to this, or would a MK7 be the best option to have the whole new car experience?

To me, late MK6s seem to high in price compared to early MK7s. Do you think the MK6 pricing will drop dramtically next year?

What are other MK5 owners thinking long term upgrade wise?


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Re: How much better is the MK6 than MK5? What to upgrade to...
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2017, 12:01:54 pm »
MK6 is definitely an upgrade in the cabin.  It feels noticeably more 'premium' than the MK5.  For example, my MK5 with standard stereo and speakers shakes and rattles the doors when turned up.  My friend's MK6 has the Dynaudio pack, which can go up full with no rattling or distortion.  Fewer creaks and rattles too. 

Although don't know how much of that is down to the car being newer, and the fact he's had it from new and never messed with it.  A lot of MK5s have been tampered with inside and rattle as a result.

MK6 just looks a bit bland on the outside imo, so perhaps wait for a MK7, which is better still.   The MK6 GTI also had the infamous timing chain issues, so again, you'd probably be better off an EA888 gen 3 engine which is in the MK7.

MK6s will continue to fall, as will MK7s now that the MK7.5 is out, and MK8 due out in 2019 I think.   Only the MK6 E35 and R will retain their values for a bit longer.

Personally I'm keeping my MK5 and have invested a lot into some fun kit.   The newer Golfs aren't special enough, imo, to draw me away from Jonny 5.

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Re: How much better is the MK6 than MK5? What to upgrade to...
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2017, 05:10:35 pm »
I've just sold a well specced and sorted MK5 and  moved to a MK7, albeit a GTD from a GTI.

I've driven a MK6 and it felt the same as the MK5 only fresher as it obviously hadn't had as much use and the cabin is a far nicer place to sit due to the new dash and steering wheel. However the MK7 IMO is in a different league with build quality etc. If it was my money ( and it was last week!!) I'd wait and get a MK7.

Good luck with your decision.  :happy2:

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Re: How much better is the MK6 than MK5? What to upgrade to...
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2017, 03:28:39 pm »
Cheers. Think I'll just hold out for a MK7. I'd love the upgraded interior of the mk6 but not overly keen on the outside (although in 2010> spec does look much better).

Unless MK6 prices crash dramatically next year!

My MK5 is surprisingly rattle free, seems very well put together despite 145k on the clock. Guess I got lucky.

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Re: How much better is the MK6 than MK5? What to upgrade to...
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2017, 03:52:39 pm »
Your MK5 was probably left alone by it's previous owners  :smiley:  Believe me, when ham fisted people get in there with their amps and sub boxes, they rattle forever more.

Go and have a spin in a MK7.  It will all be very familiar to you, except the lack of a handbrake lever.....which takes some getting used to!

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Re: How much better is the MK6 than MK5? What to upgrade to...
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2017, 04:04:39 pm »
If your a keen driver I'd stick with the Mk5 and wait for the Mk7... I hated the Mk6 I had as a courtesy car but I am driving an Edition 30 GTI the ultimate vehicle to own:-)